39. Promise

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Seeing the slight frown on Y/N's forehead, Jungkook questioned, "What's it?"

"Ah well. I'm sure as hell not wearing my suit back. You would have to go shirtless tonight." The statement ended with a hint of a smirk.

Jungkook couldn't hold back his grin, "As you please, ma'am."

"Jungkook" she spoke out while the boy was moving towards the elevator. He turned back with a questioning look.

"Uh...I'm not exactly able to...well, I'm not able to stand up. My legs are shaky." She let out, almost embarrassed.

His frown transformed into a bunny smile, "Considering you just orgasmed thrice, it's a given." His statement sent Y/N's face to flush scarlet.

He was keeping the count. i-

"Nevermind" she muttered under her breath and attempted to stand up but she simply couldn't. Her body was shivering. Jungkook moved towards her while swiftly picking up his t-shirt.

He approached and kneeled in front of Y/N. Without saying anything, his hands worked to get her to wear his shirt.

"C'mon" he said as his arms moved to Y/N's sides in an attempt to lift her up. Without resistance, her legs wrapped around his waist, her jaw dropped open. His hard chest was pressed against he breast and her arms wrapped around his muscular torso. The Jeon Jungkook was carrying her in his arms.

Neither of them said anything while Jungkook carried her to the elevator. He then carefully put her down and brought back her discarded clothing. Y/N couldn't speak, this was all too dreamy to be true.

"Y/N" Jungkook said after pressing the elevator button to her floor. She turned to face him and just as swiftly, his soft lips pressed against hers, "Don't be insecure about your body, It's sexy as fuck."

Before she could respond, the elevator door opened and he looked at her asking if she needed him to carry her again. She did actually.

"Uh no I guess I can walk." Y/N said.

"Walk then" Jungkook's eyebrow shot up to mock her as she didn't move. Well, she wasn't able to. He rolled his eyes and picked her up, "Cocky much?"

Her arm swatted him across the back, "You're the cocky one here."

Jungkook laughed at her attempt at hitting him, "Bruh your small hands cannot hurt me. Why even try" he paused and smirked, "they can be put to a better use though."

Y/N pinched the back of his neck. "Oww what the fuck-"

"Putting my hands to a better use" she batted her eyelashes at him in a pretence of innocence.

"I might as well dump your ass here. It hurts damn it" Jungkook hissed at her.

Her delicate hands moved to the back of his neck and she leaned her face down to his skin which had reddened. "No you won't" Y/N whispered and kissed the back of his neck.

They were right in front of her apartment's door when Jungkook put her down against the door and looked into her eyes, "Don't do that again Y/N. I can't guarantee if I would be able to resist it."

She wanted to say something, anything but his serious gaze literally shut her up. Mustering all her energy, she finally spoke, "What would you not be able to resist?"

Jungkook took a sharp breath before leaning into her. Y/N gasped as she felt his hands tracing the hem of his shirt that she was wearing. His index finger traced the way from her knee up to her thigh, and still up. The shirt almost bunched up as his finger reached her waist. In a second, his finger was hooked under the side of her underpants. Her breathing was fast, restless, as they both stared into each other's eyes.

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