34. Yoongi poongi oppa

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Weeks passed by with Y/N being the busiest person. She used come home from school at around 2 PM, left for office at 4 PM and came back home at around 8 at night. As the vacations for the members had ended, they themselves didn’t find much time spare from their hectic schedule.

The girl met up specifically with the members whose input was crucial to a particular song and efficiently carried out her work. Even her colleagues who had been sceptical about her work with regard to her age had come to respect the girl due to her unmatched intelligence.

Among the members, Y/N liked to spend most of her working hours with Namjoon. Both of them shared a similar outlook and were very closely artistically inclined. Needless to mention their craving for good books and attachment to nature. A mutual sense of respect had developed between Namjoon and Y/N due the similarities and this had proved to be her major push to keep getting better for as they say, ‘an artist is never satisfied’.

“Y/N, Y/N! C’mon get up!” Her eyes squinted as these words hit her ear. Still clenching her eyelids shut against the bright lighting, she rustled to turn and faced none other than Yoongi. “What?” the girl murmured.

“You slept while reading….again. C’mon get up quick.” Groaning at the loss of comfort, she tiredly sat up.

Offering her a glass of water, Suga plopped down beside her on the couch and took the book she had been holding into his hands. He read the title out loud, “Purple Hibiscus”. Still holding the glass in her hand, she stared at the man beside in irritation, her brows furrowed.

“What? I’m waiting for you to recover from your sleeping trance. How many times even?” As he said this, the girl noticed some movement on the couch in front of her. Namjoon woke up from his sleep.

Y/N smiled and said, “I am almost halfway through my book.”
The man in front of her sighed and sat up properly, “Yah whatever. I’ll catch up soon. Wait, we fell asleep again!?”

Suga cocked his eyebrow as if to not state the obvious.
On most nights, after finishing off their day’s work, Y/N and RM met up and read books. When they’d found something striking, a discussion was sparked about the significance, symbolisms, metaphors and what not almost on a daily, birthing the most beautiful of songs. But recently, the work was too hectic and reading was a guilty pleasure to the both of them.
Most often than not, they ended up falling asleep while reading and this was the fourth consecutive day that the girl had fallen asleep while reading as a result of her hectic schedule.

“Ya’ll can compete later okay. Now get up Y/N, you gotta go home. Its getting late.” Yoongi added.

Suga was almost like Y/N's babysitter. Everyone knew how affectionate he was to her even though he tried not to show it. He could never, ever scold Y/N and had spoilt her to some extent. She could do whatever she wanted and still not get any reprimand despite the maknae line constantly complaining of how Yoongi was biased towards Y/N.

A few weeks back, he had accidentally screamed at her cause of making too much noise not knowing it was her who was responsible for the chaos. The girl had cried that day, and when Yoongi saw her hurt because of him, he had cried too. He could not stand the fact that he made the kid cry. He was not back to normal until Y/N had clinged onto him for a whole day as a proof that she wasn’t sad anymore.

Gathering her belongings and stuffing them into her bag, the girl said, “Okay I’ll leave now. Sweet dreams Namjoonie hyung!”  
Anticipating a good night wish to him as well, Suga furrowed his eyebrows. Y/N leaned down to hug her favorite person and screamed into his ear, “Tangerine dreams Yoongi poogi oppa!!!”

Namjoon laughed while Suga covered his ear at the sudden assault, “Ahhh could you not!”
She accepted this complaint as compliment and bowed to the older man.
As Y/N was starting to move out, Suga stopped her. “What?” the girl questioned.

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