52. Magical Glass Vial

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"I would like for everyone to maintain secrecy about this informal meeting. Is it alright with everyone?" Y/N asked standing tall while the others sat on their respective places, still awe struck.

Slowly, all the members nodded in agreement. Namjoon eyed Y/N in deep thought, and after a few moments, proceeded to question, "I still don't get one thing though...what are you going to do about the politicians? South Korea isn't a neo liberal economy, the government is involved in many steps. It would be very tough to get through, might even take years."

"Wow okay. Namjoon hyungie, now I really do need to appreciate you for this. Not to underestimate anyone or anything, but I just didn't expect a person who is unrelated to economics to be able to figure out this loophole." Y/N admitted.

She continued, "As you all know, my focus subjects are exactly political science and economics. I've thought this through, and even though South Korea is not a neo liberal economy, it's a considerably corrupt one, just like any other capitalist country. It would indeed take at least a couple years for this strategy to come aground but it would be a lot faster underneath. The government, it can be manipulated if one handles the matters very, very tenderly."

Suga looked at her in surprise, "So you're saying that..."

"That the Korean government would have to be manipulated, yes. We would not need to do that for the US though, their business is liberal enough for us to get through things easily." She explained.

At this point, it seemed like this was an exclusive discussion going on between the two rappers and Y/N. Everyone else heard every word carefully and tried to analyze the gist of it.

To everyone's surprise, Jimin spoke, "The proposal would be introduced in the upcoming economic forum, it would roughly take two years for it to thrive underground and then come to the surface and then there's the government involved." He stated, " Y/N, elections would take place by the end of this year and observing the political air, the chances of Son Myung Ju, the female presidential candidate from the opposition winning, are very high. The governments could change and you can't possibly appease two different governments in a span of two years. You would have to execute this strategy only after the elections."

Everyone stared at Jimin, marvelling at his wit. Y/N nodded her head in agreement, "Your analysis is correct. Except, in a democracy, there should be an equal probability of either or any party to win." She put out her carefully weighed words in the room, "What if there's no probability?"

"Then there's no democracy." Jimin stated the obvious, frowning.

Where was Y/N going with all this?

She smiled, "Yes. And, fact of the matter is that there is no completely democratic country in the world."

Everyone in the room gasped. This...was something too huge. It wasn't just some business deal or a casual internship, a lot was involved, a lot.

Y/N continued, smirking slightly, as if she was talking to her own self, "A number of tactics from the ancient world are still applicable today. One of them, as devised by Chanakya, a political strategist in the ancient Mauryan empire is 'to coax, to bribe, to punish, to divide' in order to conquer over anyone or anything. Son Myung Ju has her stakes high up, she needs to be brought down harshly, using the 'punish and divide' while the current government can simply be handled with the 'coax and bribe'". As she spoke, she seemed to be in a mild trance, possessed.

"Y/N? What are you talking about? You can't manipulate the Korean national elections!" Suga snapped.

"I am not going to manipulate anything, I promise. My ideals and principles come before everything. But something I am going to do is to unveil the truth. People would know what lays behind the velvet curtains of the elegant house of the government and then, let them decide who is deserving of a term in the office." She calmly responded.

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