25. Yes daddy!

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"Does this look good?", Y/N chimed as she stepped out of the dresser, showing off her outfit. The two pair of eyes shot up to her and lingered over her clad figure for a few good seconds before Jungkook broke the silence, "Yea it's fine. C'mon now, we gotta move."

Y/N unknowing pouted and faked a sad tone, "But it's a special day for me, right? Nevermind, Jimin, you tell me, is this good or should I try something else?"

The blonde spoke up, relatively frustrated and somewhat tired, "Yea Y/N the outfit is fine. You've changed out of three outfits now and we've been telling you how all of them look good but you still choose to change. Why do you even ask?"

"Oh. Okay this one is the final one. Thanks again for bringing me these clothes. They're probably the best that I've ever worn.", she said, smiling.

"Had to make up for your suitcase being sent to the campus.", Jimin smiled back.

If smiles could kill, Park Jimin would have been declared the best assassin.

Y/N found the outfit to be perfect for visiting the BigHit office for the first time as an interviewee

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Y/N found the outfit to be perfect for visiting the BigHit office for the first time as an interviewee. She didn't want to look too intimidating, neither too casual, and the outfit gave off the perfect balance. She wore her hair in a low messy bun, giving the charm of being authoritative and smart yet feminine.

Out of nowhere, she felt something tugging her skirt at the waist and jerked back, "What the-" Jungkook smirked, removing his hand from her waist, "Maybe the skirt could be upped a bit."

"Jungkook-ah behave!" Jimin chuckled, "Don't mind him Y/N. He's just messing with you...but well, the skirt could actually be upped a bit", Jimin's expressions changed into the most seductive visuals in a jiffy.

"Again!?", she sighed.

And as naturally as it had come, Jimin's expressions were soft again, "Okay so we'll be leaving in a few minutes. Let me just repeat the precautions one last time for you, don't, like do not, don't even by mistake mention that both of us have met you already. We'll have our asses kicked to Saturn's rings otherwise. Next, don't even think about refusing the contract, it's genuinely great for you and we would be in trouble if you don't. Now be a good girl, alright?"

The girl chuckled, "Yes daddy!"

As the words left her mouth, she wanted to segment herself in half and feed herself to vultures. "Shit! Fuck! No! I didn't mean that! You know right I didn't. What the fuck did I just say, ughhhhh I am a failure, why am I even alive!"

On the other end, the two boys couldn't stop laughing.

Her voice wavered, threatening to the best that her embarrassed self could allow her to, "Ya'll shut the fuck up or I'll sue you! I mean it, I'm a minor and you're adults!"

It felt like no one gave a shit, they criticized the things I did as an idiot kid.

Using her last weapon of choice, she spoke, "Are you two shutting your mouths and should I cry." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

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