14. Artwork

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"Oh that one" , Jia chimed pointing towards a guy walking down the corridor. Y/N groaned, "Seriously bruh!? It's a naw for me." Jia simply nodded.

Jia and Y/N had been standing outside their class as a punishment. Their Science teacher threw them out of the class cause Y/N and Jia had apparently cursed a guy out loud.


(25 minutes ago)

The bell to recess had just rung.

"Hey lemme pass by" Y/N casually requested Chad who was blocking the way to the front of the class. The guy was known for being cocky and filled to the brim with toxic masculinity. He assumed that girls would long for him as he was apparently mAcHo.

Though Y/N was generally good with people, she could just not tolerate this cum tank. He simply rolled his eyes and didn't budge.

Y/N repeated herself, trying to remain calm, "Chad, stand aside. I gotta go."

As if she was non existent, Chad ignored her again as he continued talking to his friend, who himself had grown quiet because of Y/N's presence.

"Dipshit get your dick outta your ears cause here are people politely asking you to step your useless ass aside." Y/N was starting to loose her cool. That's when Jia entered the class and just stood by the door.

The guy turned to face Y/N, "Oh? And what if I don't?" he asked faking a cute tone. Y/N stepped forward, placed her arm on one end of his desk and slided it across the other, sending all the stuff kept on the desk crashing down to the ground. She looked up at him firmly stating, "Aside. You don't want my knee to reach places where the sun doesn't shine." Jia proudly hooted from the other end of the classroom. As if all this hurt his little male ego, Chad straightened himself, towering over Y/N, "Bitch don't you dare!"

Jia had kept silent through his bullshit for longer than enough, she straightened herself as well, " You son of a chimpunk, dare you say another word and you'd regret why your mother didn't have her period instead of you" As he was about to reply turning to face Jia, he surprisingly stopped. Y/N snorted, " Got your senses pushed up your arse dipshit? Now aside I said."

As Y/N grew confused over the silence in the class, she looked towards Jia and went slightly pale. Jia scoffed, "What now? Saw a dementor?" Worse. Y/N tried signaling Jia but in vain.

Hearing a sound, Jia turned around only to be met by her Science teacher. She nervously laughed, "Oh...good morning ma'am! Hope we can learn more about how Amoeba reproduces without genitals?" Jia had wanted to sound sincere, but apparently what she said was JUST A LITTLE different from sincere.

To Jia's fear, Y/N lowly laughed at her. She had always had the worst trait of laughing at times when she shouldn't. Though she tried her best to stifle it, the whole class had apparently took enough notice of it. Y/N's inappropriate laugh gave way for the other students to do the same as the whole class grew indisciplined.

Banging her files on the table, the teacher screamed at Jia and Y/N, " You two, out now!" Everyone grew silent. It looked as if she'd erupt like a volcano anytime now. Y/N spoke up, "But ma'am Ch-" "OUT I SAID! Detention after school."

Y/N moved towards the door and stepped out along with Jia. As they stepped out, both of them broke into laughter. "Bruh the detention is fucking worth how Chad looked like he was about to shit himself.", Jia said between her laughs. Regaining their composure, they leaned against the wall and checked out the guys passing by.

"I swear we have the worst collection of guys in this school. Can't they be just a little hotter, cuter, better?" Y/N said as she looked straight ahead at the students shuffling back to their classes after the bell went ringing.

"Oh that one" , Jia chimed pointing towards a guy walking down the corridor. Y/N groaned, "Seriously bruh!? It's a naw for me." Jia simply nodded.

Y/N nudged Jia, " Don't point at him alright, he's a senior. That one walking this way". Confused, Jia pointed in that direction and asked, "That one?" Y/N wacked her arm and whisper screamed, "Damn you! I told ya not to point towards him what the fuck. I kinda know him, he's a senior. He cute.... he's walking this way, Jia, please for my sake act normal."

They acted as if they had not been punished but were just casually talking. Jia awkwardly smiled at the senior whom she didn't even know. The senior returned her smile softly. Y/N waved to him, and he nodded waving back with a smile. As he walked out of earshot, Jia exclaimed, "Oof...he's one of those very few cute guys!" Y/N's frowned and slightly faced Jia, " Oh he's taken by the way. Anyways, how long must he be eh?"

Jia, after giving some serious thought, spoke up, " Fifteen maybe?" Y/N was now facing Jia who was simply looking ahead, she asked, "Huh? 15 what?" Jia simply replied, " Inches duh."

Y/N roared into laughter. She got hold of her friend's shoulder as a support. Jia frowned, " What? You don't think so?"

Y/N tried speaking between her laughs, "Jia...how long is inches?" Jia gave her a duh look, " The measurements on the geometric ruler duh."As if back to a trance, Y/N laughed crazily. She managed to speak a little, "That's centimeters god damn it! An inch is two and a half times a centimeter. That is, 15 inches would be thrice the size of that stupid geometric ruler."

Jia looked at her, horrified and embarrassed, " No no no no, I meant centimeters I swear!" she then mumbled under her breath while looking down at her skirt, " I'mma keep you safe." As Y/N caught what Jia had just said, she was about to erupt into laughter again, but then the home bell rang off.

Both of the them dragged themselves to the empty detention room. Jia begged Y/N to not tell anyone about the inches disaster. Y/N would laugh again whenever the incident replayed in her head. They waited for the longest hour of their life to get over. As their teacher finally signed them off, Y/N grew a little emotional thinking about how badly she'd miss this school where she had been studying forever. However messed up it has been, she really did love this place.

Author's note: In this chapter, where both the girls are talking dicks, they are talking about it as a matter of joke. Firstly, they are not body shaming and here is the important part: body shaming of any gender is NOT right.

Contrary to the popular belief, the size doesn't really matter as much as it's believed to. A guy could have a long iron clad dick and still might not be able to earn an orgy from the partner. It's mostly about the communication between the couple and the...'skills'? IDK that's what Google and YouTube told me (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

What a long chapter, eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

New update!!! New update!!!!!!

Did y'all fucking see The Jeon Jungkook!?!?!??? I ain't kidding that man's on a mission to kill us, ESCAPE TO MARS EVERYONE, I REPEAT ESCAPE TO MARS!

Okay lemme just cry, he's finally back!!! I missed him so fkin much!
That live after his surgery where he was drinking his coffee and bopped the straw on his nose and then rubbed his nose with the back of his hand and then smiled.... yea cry with me bishes. (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
I'm so soft about it that I ain't even feeling myself anymore! But then there's the Jeon fucking Jungkook making me feel *clears throat* somethings. Aghhhhhhhhehbdjendojrjdb

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