28. Not a private strip show

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As Y/N was adjusting the seat belt, Jungkook questioned irritatedly, "What do you think you're doing?" Lifting her sight up from the seatbelt, she looked at him and asserted, "Last time you said this, things didn't go well for you." With that said she was back to putting on the seatbelt.

"Just for your kind information, I'm not your personal chauffeur, don't you act all superior sitting comfortably on the back seat while I drive you", his hand on the headboard of the other seat and neck twisted to face Y/N, a look of irritation on his face.

"So? You want me to do gymnastics over here or some?" the girl asked, equally irritated. When Jungkook didn't answer but kept staring at her, she rolled her eyes, muttered a little "Fine whatever" and went on to sit beside him on the front seat.

The car ride was pretty quiet with Y/N staring out at Seoul through the window. The silence was, for the first time interrupted as the boy asked, "So how did you manage to almost break your arm?" no shred of empathy in his voice.

"Huh, Taehyung and I went to see the staff house. I slipped on the steps and got my elbow crushing down on the textured wall. It would've been a lot worse if he didn't catch me in time."

Jungkook unceremoniously chuckled, "Ha, he should've let you be."
This statement hurt her just a little but she tried to played it cool and said, "Meanie bitch", which Jungkook casually ignored.

Once they reached the hotel, the girl questioned about her luggage for the Nth time now.
"Yea you don't have to worry about it. Take the apartment tour and the luggage would be sent. Tomorrow is the weekend anyways, you can catch up with that stupid school from Monday."

When the boy didn't stop following her even when inside the hotel, she turned around and questioned, "What? Where are you going?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I gotta make sure that you get safely to your room. I dunno, you'll probably roll down the stairs, get stuck in the lift, eat poison or something and I can't afford the charge of a murder right now." There was a pause, "Also, Suga hyung texted me to get you safely to your room so yea."

Knowing that Jungkook was adamant on accompanying her to the room, she didn't protest anymore but simply stomped off.

When Y/N abruptly stopped in the middle of the way, the boy questioned but she just waved it off as nothing and continued moving.


After making Y/N comfortable in the safety of her room, Jeon texted Yoongi to assure him of her safety.
I can't remember the last time hyung was this concerned about ME!

It wasn't until he reached the black SUV that he remembered the keys were missing. Ugh not again.
He profusely searched all around but in vain. The last option left was to go search the room and so he turned around, making his way towards Y/N's room. Jungkook fetched the key card to her room and swiped it to open the door. He was greeted by a low, unusual sound.


The girl laid in the middle of the bed scrunched up into a fetus position, lying on her side with her knees upto her chest and hands tightly holding the knees in place. As the man moved a bit forward, he stood agape. There was a huge red stain on the bed and on Y/N's skirt. He was unsure of what had just happened, she was all fine just minutes ago and then she laid there, a living yet lifeless form. Is she...crying?

Not wasting any more time, he hurriedly moved towards the vulnerable girl. "Hey what happened? Y/N? Y/N! What happened baby?" He continuously spoke as he pulled Y/N's head onto his chest, resting half of her body on his.
As if in no time, his grey sweatshirt was wet near Y/N's face and the spot of wetness kept increasing by the moment.
She has been crying. Gosh no.

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