Chapter fifty-three

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You watched wide-eyed as Izuku slowly broke all of his fingers during his battle with Todoroki. You peeked through the arena entrance, closer than anyone in the stands. Bouts of ice cold air flooded the smaller space as Todoroki continued shooting large chunks of ice at his opponent, forcing you to airbend in order to keep yourself on your feet. The entire affair was terrifying. 

You even gasped as Izuku broke his arm to keep fighting. Why was he going through all of this pain just to stay in the ring? Why wasn't anyone stopping this? Words were rarely exchanged on the battlefield, only harsh attacks, until...

"What's the matter, are you really that worn out from defending against my attacks?" Todoroki asked, shaking. You knew he had no idea Izuku was doing this for him. "I'm sorry about this, but thanks for drawing it out. Look at him. He's furious I'm not using his power." He glanced up at the stands and you looked up to see Endeavor, arms folded. You had to admit, he didn't look pleased. "With your hands like that you can't fight anymore, can you? Why don't we end this?"

"Whoa! Todoroki continues his overwhelming attacks! Could this be his finishing move?" Present Mic said as yet another powerful ice barrage rocketed it's way towards your friend. You thought for sure this was it, but Izuku surprised you once again. 

"I'm not done yet!" He yelled while using his quirk with a broken finger. You tried to resist the urge to close your eyes. The battle came to s tense standstill. "You're trembling, Todoroki. It's easy to forget that quirks are physical abilities, and that means there's a limit to the cold your body can take, right?" Todoroki made a face, though you weren't sure what it meant. It seemed like Izuku was right. "I get it. Usually you'd make up for the drop in temperature by using the heat from your left side. But you refuse to do that now. Listen, we're all giving it our all to try and win. To make our dreams into a reality. To become number one! You think you can win with half your strength? Look at me, Todoroki. You haven't managed to put a single scratch on me yet. So come at me with all you've got!" 

"He's gonna get himself killed." You said to yourself in disbelief. He was right, though. Everyone was trying so hard. You really needed to step up your game on your next match. No more holding back. 

"Midoriya. What are you trying to do here? You want my fire? What, did my monster of a dad bribe you or something? Now I'm mad." Todoroki charged Izuku, but it was much slower than before. Half of his body was covered in frost. 

Todoroki went high, so Izuku ducked low and punched him in the gut with his quirk. He even managed to do it without breaking his arm this time, but he still looked pretty bad. Both of them did. There was no way this battle could last much longer. Todoroki shot another ice attack, but it was so slow Izuku was able to dodge it this time. The fighting continued similarly for a minute or so. 

"Why are you putting yourself through this?" Todoroki asked. He looked almost like he was in disbelief. 

"I want to live up to other people's expectations." Izuku said. "I wanna be able to smile while doing something good for them. I wanna be a pro. Whatever it takes to be a hero! That's why I'll give it my all just like you should be!" Izuku was desperate at this point. He was putting in all of this work, if Todoroki didn't listen soon then you would be ready to throw some hands. "There's no way I could know what you've gone through, or why you're even here. Your life has been so much different than mine. But right now, stop screwing around! If you wanna reject your father, fine. But you don't have the right to be number one if you aren't going to use your full power!"

"Shut up." Todoroki tried to stop him in vain. It didn't work. 

"That's why I'm going to win this. I'll surpass you!" Izuku punched Todoroki again, and he did nothing to stop it. Were you actually getting worried about him? He looked like he was on the verge of tears. You had never seen so much emotion on his face before. 

"I refuse to use my left side!" He exclaimed, but Izuku had had enough. 

"It's yours! Your quirk, not his!" Todoroki paused. For a moment he looked terribly lost, but then he glanced up at Izuku, and suddenly his left side was on fire. 

"Is that...?" You could practically hear Present Mic's jaw hit the floor. 

"You're helping your opponent. You fool, even though you wanna win this battle. Now which one of us is screwing around?" Todoroki finally realized what was going on. "I want it too. I'll be a hero!" 

"Yes Shoto! Have you finally accepted your purpose?" Your head jerked up to look at the stands, where Endeavor was about to ruin everything. "That's it. Very good. This is the dawn of a new era for us. With my blood in your veins, you'll surpass me. You will live up to the reason I created you!" 

"Endeavor suddenly shouts words of... encouragement?" Present Mic seemed just as confused as everyone else. "What a doting father." 

"Amazing." Izuku breathed out, and you couldn't help but agree with him. This felt right. There was a slight problem now, though. 

"Why are you smiling? With those injuries. In this hopeless situation. You must be crazy. Don't blame me for what happens next." It was like they couldn't see their own injuries. The air suddenly became so hot it was hard to breathe as the two careened at each with an immense amount of power. 

"That's it Midnight. One of them could be killed." Cementoss used his cement powers, shooting up walls to protect the two reckless idiots from each other.  

"His body won't hold up." Midnight used her quirk, and pink smoke began to slowly fill the arena. Then the air expanded, and an explosion occurred. 

You went flying backwards, screeching and flailing your arms in a sad attempt to bend the air and return to an upright position. Unfortunately, you were only an airbending novice, so you ended up on your side. A valiant effort, nonetheless. 

     You lay on the ground for a moment, coughing up a lung from the smoke that had nowhere to go, before making your way back to the arena. You made it just in time to hear Midnight call the match. 

"There. Midoriya is... out of bounds. Todoroki wins! He advances to the third round!" You peeked outside to see your friend lying on the ground as the crowd cheered wildly at the matches end. Someone pushed you out of the way as a stretcher was wheeled out onto the ground. You briefly remembered the USJ attack when they took Aizawa away. Had you ever seen anyone as hurt as you had at UA? 

     They took Izuku past you, he looked even worse up close. His right arm was broken. He was unconscious. You took a moment to pray to the spirits. Maybe they would listen. Next came Todoroki. He, too, was in a stretcher, despite the fact that he was actually awake. His eyes were glossy. You would have went with him, but you didn't know what to say. Besides, your match was next. And if you won, you would have to fight him. 

     Did you want to? Your mind was left foggy. You took a deep breathe and leaned up against the wall, thinking about the match you had just witnessed. What did you want? 

     You wanted to do your absolute best this next match. Izuku was right. Everyone was trying their hardest, the least you could do was give them yours. There would be no more holding back. Not until this tournament was over.

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