Chapter forty-seven

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    "It was you who told me to snatch that headband during the cavalry battle!" You pointed an accusatory finger at Iroh, who responded by laughing. It was a big-bellied laugh, the kind that could give joy to the most stoic of persons. 

"I couldn't let you fail, could I?" He asked. You fake pouted while trying not to smile. You failed.
"Wait, how did I even get here?" You questioned aloud. "I think I was...?"

"You were meditating in order to prepare for your first one-on-one battle. There are many ways to enter the Spirit World. Now come, there are some people I think it's time for you to meet. Namely my nephew, Zuko."

"Zuko? You mean Fire Lord Zuko, friend of Avatar Aang, right?" You asked while following Iroh through the familiar setting of the enchanted forest. 

"Of course! Who else could I be talking about?" You thought for a moment. 

"So that means you must be the Dragon of the West, right?" 

"Correct! Though I would rather you call me Iroh, or Uncle Iroh if you would prefer." He said everything with a smile. You couldn't imagine this man being mad.  

"Will I meet Avatar Aang where we're going, too?" You questioned him even further. 

""Perhaps. You will meet everyone at the exact time you need them." He said with a bright smile. "Ah, we're here! Zuko, where are you? I've brought an important visitor!"

You stepped out of the trees and into a clearing. And you immediately saw some people you recognized. You gasped.

"Avatar Y/n! It feels like I've been waiting a million years to meet you!" 

"Shit, you're AvaPaang!" You're jaw dropped open as Avatar Pong and Lord Zuko approached you. Was this real? For a moment you weren't sure. 

"Hey, now. No cursing in the Spirit World!" He chuckled, almost to himself. He was surprisingly tall and looked exactly like he does in all of your wall pictures. Bald head with a traditional airbender arrow, and bright blue eyes. "Just kidding. Also call me Pong? Unless you have a hero name you wanna whip out." 

"I see you're here to outshine me, Pong." Zuko placed a hand in his shoulder. "It is nice to finally see you here, Avatar Y/n. I'm Zuko. I see you've already met my uncle." The old man with a neat beard and a scar bowed at you. Before you could say anything Iroh took your hand. 

"I believe it's time for some tea! Y/n is trying to focus for her first match in the final stage of the UA Sports Festival." Iroh led you to a table with just enough seats for your small group. 

"Ah, the Sports Festival. I remember mine vividly. In retrospect, they should probably go easier on teenagers." Pong pulled out a chair and sat down. Iroh sat teacups in front of everyone.  

"Interesting. How important is this festival?" Zuko inquired. You began explaining exactly how the festival works. 

"I'm going to make my big Avatar debut during the one-on-one battles because I'll get more attention there, but I'm really nervous." You said. Admitting it aloud was nice, and so was talking to such a calm group. You took a sip of the jasmine tea Iroh poured you. It was better than you were expecting. "Wow, your tea making rivals that of my Gram's." You complemented him. 

"Thank you! I'm pleased to have received such a genuine complement." Iroh finally sat down. "Now, tell us about your opponents. I want to hear about your challengers." 

"Well, my first battle is against Kaminari. He has a powerful lightning quirk." 

"That should be easy. Have you learned how to redirect lightning?" Zuko asked. You were confused. 

"Um, is that something you can do?" 

"It's fine if you can't do that. A sturdy wall of earth should do the trick just as well." Pong added. 

"I... can't earthbend." You grimaced. "Yet."

"Oh. Well, that's... not good." Pong said. "But it's fine! You can still pull through. How are you at the other elements?" 

"I'm a waterbending master! I can also firebend and airbend to an extent. But I just discovered I was the Avatar like, two weeks ago, so can we cut me some slack?" You were beginning to get more nervous. 

"That's pretty rough. So, do you have a plan to deal with him, or are you winging it?" Zuko asked. You took a deep breath. 

"I think I'm gonna hit him with a gust of wind. I'm fairly good at airbending so far, thanks to my brother, and I haven't been able to push myself to my fullest extent, but I think I may he able to push him out of the arena. Or at least far enough away that he won't hit me. He can't direct his attack, it's a 'general area' type thing." You reasoned. Iroh nodded. 

"That might work. Just remember that improvisation is important during battle." He said. "Sometimes you have to get the creative juices flowing! Like tea." 

"I think that's enough about Kaminari. Are there any other opponents your worried about?" Pong asked. You nodded. 

"Oh, definitely! First there's Todoroki." 

"Todoroki?" Pong raised an eyebrow. "What's his quirk?" 

"His quirk is half fire, half ice, but he only uses ice." You began. "He also has this big scar over his eye." You put a hand over your left eye to demonstrate. "Wait, I think that's the wrong side." You switched hands to your right. 

"You mean like this?" Zuko pointed to the scar over his left eye and you felt your face heat up in embarrassment. 

"Yeah, like that." You said. "Also he told me all about how his dad's a jerk even though he hates me. I think we're rivals or something." 

"Let me guess, his dad's Endeavor?" Pong asked flatly. He looked kind of annoyed too. 

"How did you know?" You asked and he sighed. 

"He was one of my upperclassman at UA. We hated each other." He rolled his eyes at this. "Also you used his family name." He added quickly. Would your embarrassment ever end? 

"If he refuses to use fire your win should be easy." Iroh took a sip of his tea before sitting it back down. "He also sounds like someone I used to know." Zuko had a small coughing fit at this statement before turning towards you. 

"Y/n, I know he may seem rough around the edges, but I believe you should try to get through to him. It sounds like he's going through a lot." He looked into your eyes as he spoke gently. You could tell that he had also been through a lot as you stared back. 

"I will. But I don't think I can reason with him until after the festival. I told him he should get a therapist and he glared at me." You stared at your tea. "I'm also worried about Bakugo. He has some serious anger issues, and he's determined to win. I don't think I can beat him. Not yet." 

"You don't have to, Y/n. Remember your goal. All you need to do is demonstrate your power to the best of your ability." Pong said as Iroh stood up. 

"I hate to interrupt, but I believe it's time for Y/n to leave." He announced regretfully. "We all wish you the best of luck." 

You looked up at him and nodded with determination. You weren't going to fail. Not with your future as the Avatar at stake.

🌬 🌬🌬🌬🌬

Author's Note: Ok, I think there's one more chapter before the fight! Please don't crucify me! Also I hope you liked this chap, I know I do. Enjoy the extra upload. Peace!

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