Chapter fifty-seven

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You had been waiting for this moment. The moment when you could finally fight Todoroki. He had rubbed you the wrong way ever since he broke your pinky promise and now was the reckoning. So much had happened since then, heck, most of it happened today. You never knew one day could feel like it lasted a lifetime. Now, as you waited to walk out into the sunlight, you didn't hate him as much as you did. But you still wanted to beat him.

You thought for a moment about all of the competitors that had been knocked out of the competition so far. Kaminari, Shinsou, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Shiozaki. They had tried their hardest to win. It made you feel like you weren't worthy. You needed to fix it. You need to give it your all.

Present Mic announced your name and you walked back to your spot. He claimed it was a legendary match-up. You kind of agreed. Todoroki stared into your eyes as you approached him.

"Who will win this match, the King of Fire and Ice, or the Queen of the Elements?" The voice shouted over the large speakers. "Who's ready to find out?"

The crowd was louder than you had heard them for the entire festival. You tried to block them out, as you locked eyes with your opponent.

"Are you gonna use your fire side?" You asked, knowing you were risking making him mad at you. You couldn't decide whether you thought he would or not. His face remained unchanged and he didn't answer. Probably not a good sign.

"Contestants, get ready. Get set. And fight!"

Todoroki immediately performed his signature move and sent a humongous mountain of ice your way. You fixed your stance and melted it easily, swinging your arms and directing the water around your body and back at your opponent. He blocked the wave with a wall of ice, which was a bad idea even though it was the only thing he could do. You melted it again and pushed it back towards him.

"Whoah, what an exciting start to this match! Unfortunately Y/n's waves didn't work as Todoroki froze his feet to the ground!" Present Mic narrated the match in exaggerated tones. You growled and tried to tune him out again.

Todoroki began moving towards you quickly. You didn't want this to happen, preparing to send a gust of wind at him when suddenly the ground froze solid. The gust became a small poof of air as you slipped, a near fatal mistake. He was too close now to repel.

"Todoroki allowed Y/n to send waves around the arena so he could freeze it more effectively. How clever!" Present Mic commented. "Y/n is gonna have to step it up if she wants to win!"

"You fought better in your last match." Todoroki attacked you with an ice encrusted fist and you propelled yourself backwards. You may have slipped initially, but you knew how to navigate ice. Not that you should have been moving backwards.

"I'm just getting started!" You formed two water whips and tried to push him back. He used his incredibly fast reflexes to grab the end of one of them, turning it to ice that traveled up your arm before you could react.

"Then I'll end it at the beginning." Todoroki opened his outstretched hand and the ice around your arm exploded, blowing you backwards. If you didn't stop yourself you were going to go out of bounds.

"Not yet!" You yelled, digging your feet into the icy ground. Stubbornness was keeping yourself from losing so easily. You were still terrifyingly close to the white line. "I haven't done everything in my power to win just yet."

You outstretched your arms and melted all of the ice in the arena. Steam rose from the ground as you felt some of it evaporate into the air.

"You are strong. You just don't know how to utilize it." A fresh wall of ice headed your way, which was dangerously close to out of bounds. You were done playing games. The ice melted, splashing up into the stands. Some people started vacating their seats from fear.

You surged forward, whipping the air around you to move faster. The punch you gave Todoroki propelled him backwards, but he quickly regained his balance and met you, trading incredibly fast punches and blocks. Your mind flashed back to when the two of you first sparred in class. You retreated slightly to catch your breath. He chased you, but he was slow enough that you could evade him.

"How did it come to this, Todoroki?" You huffed, a wave of exhaustion hitting you. "We could've been friends."

"I'm not here to make friends." Todoroki said. You could hear the hesitation in his voice. "I'm here to be the Number One Hero."

"Do you wanna do it alone?" He paused for a moment, and you didn't attack him. This was a mistake. He reared back his left fist and punched you in the ribs using an incredible amount of force. It burned bad, and you were sure the fight was over for a split second. But then something inside of you snapped awake. It felt like it had been building up the entire fight, and you hadn't quite noticed it.

Your feet floated up off of the ground and the air around you became disturbed. You could see water floating in the air. No, not just regular water. You could clearly see and feel the moisture in the air. It was humid.

The ground trembled slightly underneath you. It felt as if you could move your pinky toe the wrong way and the entire stadium would be swallowed into the earth. Your mind grew cloudy.

"Y/n," a voice whispered in your ear. No, multiple voices. "Don't hurt anyone." And then another one. "Remember your goal."

You looked ahead at your rival through what looked like a raging hurricane in slow motion. Did you need to defeat him? A feeling of unsureness built in your mind.

"Put him out of his misery." A decisive voice. "No, don't do that." A softer one.
The voices weren't helping. You needed to decide what to do on your own. Why did you need to win again?

"Because you're the Avatar?" Oh, yeah. You finally remembered the entire day. The way you and your classmates had struggled. You knew Todoroki deserved to be where he was. He was strong and persistent. And broken. Did you deserve to be in the finals as much as he did? A flood of memories crashed over your mind. You training. Studying waterbending forms. Practicing every single day for hours. Of course the answer was yes. Why had you ever doubted yourself.

You raised a hand and a wave crashed down over Todoroki. The stadium shook from the force, but you steadied it by tensing your fingers. The air was thick with humidity and the ground wet, so you directed the excess water into the sky where it formed clouds. You looked back onto the field and saw that Todoroki was out of bounds. Good. You couldn't keep this up any more, you thought as you fell from the air.


You leaned up against the wall in a dark corner of the stadium entrance, taking deep breaths. You weren't quite sure what had happened during your fight with Todoroki, but you had an idea.

The feeling of infinite power had come so suddenly, and left you with gaps in your memory. You had looked up afterward to see Todoroki out of bounds, with injuries you couldn't remember causing.

Honestly, it made sense that you had avoided thinking about it. The thought that you were capable of immense destruction was a hard pill to swallow, and it made the fact that you were the Avatar all to real. Unfortunately you were almost certain that there was no other explanation.

You beat Todoroki by going into the Avatar State.

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