Chapter thirty

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You had never been so happy to see All Might in your life. A portion of your nerves faded immediately, but you weren't out of the woods just yet. You and your friends were still uncomfortably close to the villains, and the first thing you wanted to do was move. 

     "I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong when Thirteen and Aizawa didn't answer my calls. So I hurried over, running into young Iida along the way. He told me of the villainy at work here." All Might said, and he looked pissed for once. "Have no fear, students... because I am here!" 

     You let yourself smile, is was a tiny smile, but a smile all the same. Midoriya and Tsu looked just as relieved as you were. The clouds had finally parted, revealing the sun. Hope was in the air. 

     "After all this waiting, the heroic piece of trash shows up." Shigaraki muttered. The smaller villains looked shocked upon seeing the Symbol of Peace in all of his glory. It certainly was a sight to behold. 

     "Holy shit, it's All Might!" 

     "I've never seen the guy in person before." 

     "I didn't expect him to be so huge." They were in just as much awe as you were. The effect he had on everyone was incredible. Unfortunately one man didn't seem as impressed as the others. 

     "Heh, this is no time to talk you idiots! If we strike now we can kill him-." The man never got to finish his sentence, you couldn't believe he woefully underestimated the number one hero. He fell to the ground. You didn't even see him get hit! Several others followed suite, toppling over before they even had a chance to fight back. All Might gently picked up Aizawa. He looked sad. 

     "What the heck?" Suddenly you were in a completely different spot than you were in before. It was like you had blinked and your entire world had shifted. You then realized that All Might had grabbed your entire group and moved you to a different spot before you even knew what was happening. What a legend. 

     "Everybody back to the entrance. And take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time." All Might commanded, and he was serious. 

     "Yes, sir!" You said and proceeded to kneel down next to your teacher. You grimaced upon seeing him up close. It was bad. You quickly did some minor healing on his elbow, but there was only so much you could do. 

     "You saved us All Might." Midoriya was in awe. You sighed. 

     "Midoriya, I'm gonna need some help!" You said and he came ran over to you. He began to carefully lift Aizawa up. 

     "No, no, no." Shigaraki was in distress. "It wasn't supposed to go this way. He's still fast, Father. Somehow he managed to hit me." He picked up the hand that was originally on his face and put it back on. "Of course a government hero relies on violence. I wasn't prepared. I couldn't even see him when he moved. But he's not as fast as I thought he would be. Not as fast as he used to be. I guess it's true after all. All Might really is getting weaker!" 

     "All Might, you can't! That brain villain took One for-. I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time, but he wasn't fazed at all. He's too strong!" Midoriya tried to convince All Might not to join the fight. You didn't understand why, surely All Might would pummel their asses, right? 

     "Young Midoriya!" All Might turned around and gave you guys a peace sign and an actual smile. "I got this." 

     Your group turned around, slowly carrying Aizawa back to the entrance. Midoriya had Aizawa's arms draped over his shoulder and you were holding up his feet to make sure he wasn't being dragged. Tsu helped keep him situated at the front. 

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