Chapter thirty-four

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     "She knows!" Gram burst through the kitchen door, startling Pau, who was pouring a bowl of cereal. He ripped his airpods out, spilling the majority of the box on the countertop. 

"What! For real? Seriously?" He asked. You popped your head through the doorframe and nodded enthusiastically. He started grinning like an idiot and gave you a big hug. You felt very happy. 

     "Knows what? I'm confused?" Kawa glanced around the room. "I think I'm out of the loop." 

     "I think it's time we had a family meeting." Gram said. "We have a lot of things to talk about." 

     Your small family gathered in the living room. You and your siblings were sitting on the couch while Gram settling in the chair. She called the 'meeting' to order. Kawa still looked very confused. You were honestly surprised that she didn't know what was going on. 

     "We will begin this meeting with an announcement. Y/n, would you like to speak?" Gram said. You nodded and looked at your older sister. She stared back at you quizzically. 

     "I'm the Avatar!" It was the first time to had said it out loud, and as the sound rang in your ears you knew it was the truth. Kawa seemed less convinced. 

"Oh no, you've finally lost it." She said. She probably thought this was all some sort of joke. 

"Kawa, I'm being serious!" You cried, but before anyone could say anything else, Gram spoke up. 

"Everyone be quiet." She commanded gently. "Y/n is not lying. She is the Avatar. I wanted to tell you, but your mother made me promise not to. You were too little to remember what happened, and I let you forget. I'm sorry." 

There was a thick silence as Kawa thought over what was said. 

"I understand. I'm sure I always knew. I'm sorry." You quickly put a hand on her arm. 

"It's alright. I felt the same way." And you had. "It still doesn't feel real." 

"Wait, how did you figure out? Because I thought you were hopeless, no offense." Pau asked, but Gram put a hand up to stop the conversation from progressing further. 

"You can talk about this after the meeting." She said. "Right now we have more important matters to discuss." 

"What? I know, that's what's important, right?" You asked. There was definitely more to this than 'congrats, you are your religion's version of Jesus'. Wow, now that you thought about it, this was big. Almost too big. 

"Yes, but we need to decide what steps to take next. The UA Sports Festival is very soon, Y/n. It's your chance to show the world who you truly are, but I'm afraid it may put you in danger. You need to decide carefully if you are going to utilize all four elements, or if you're going to hide your identity for longer." Gram said carefully. 

You thought over her words. Using all of the elements would make the Sports Festival much easier for you, what with your classmates varying quirks. And that didn't even take into account everyone else's. Also if you were to try and keep yourself hidden, what would you do? Two people had already seen you bend an element other than water. Questions were bound to be asked, probably from Todoroki. The facts of the situation were, you couldn't keep it from other people. It was now or never. This would be the only chance you had to showcase your power, assuming it didn't get canceled. 

"I want to. I want to be the Avatar." Your decision was final. You were gonna compete in the Sports Festival, and you were aiming for the top. 

"Good. Pau," Gram turned to your brother. 

"Yes?" He asked. 

"Can you help her with her airbending?" 

"Hell yeah I can!" Gram gave him a pointed look, which caused him to dim his reaction. "I mean, yes. Of course I can." 

"Good. As for the other two elements, I may have something that can help with that." She got up and left the room. You and your siblings looked at each other quizzically. Soon she came back with an old wooden box which she gave to you. "Open it." You did, undoing the latch to reveal several worn scrolls, each with different colors on the ends. They were bending scrolls. You gingerly picked one up and partially unrolled it, just taking a peek. It had a drawing of a man earthbending. You smiled. 

"You're the greatest! These will be priceless." You put it back and closed the box. Gram gave a satisfactory nod. 

"Of course we will have to find you teachers after the festival, but for now these should help. I made sure I had one for every element." 

"I'm sure we'll have benders crawling out of our ears when you show 'em what you're made of!" Pau exclaimed and Kawa made a face. 

"Gross, you couldn't come up with anything better than that?" She asked. 

"Nope. I think it and it comes out of my mouth." Oh no, they were fixing to start arguing. You needed to nip this in the bud, and quick. 

"Be quiet, guys. The Avatar is talking." You scolded them. Pau scoffed. 

"Don't let your head get too big, I'm still the man of the house." Kawa rolled her eyes farther back into her skull than she should have been able to. 

"As if that means anything." She said and they continued to bicker despite your poor attempt at getting them to stop. 

"You're all children to me, now be quiet!" Gram finally stepped in. You thanked the spirits.
     "Sorry Gram." The three of you said at the same time. 

     "Good. I don't want to have to listen to that anymore." She thought for a moment before sighing. "We're all going to have to do our absolute best. Things are about to change. It's been a long time coming, and now it's here. I just hope that we'll be okay." 

"Change isn't that bad, Gram. At least we'll be together." You said, and you were right. You were all together.


Author's note: I'm ridiculously excited for the next arc, it's gonna be sick. The support for my story has overwhelmed me, I'm over the moon! I don't know if you've noticed, but this story is currently #1 in readerxbakugo on wattpad! And it has over 400 hearts on quotev! And so, I think you guys deserve an extra chapter. Also I have to keep this momentum going! Peace out.

Finding the Avatar: Water (Bnha x Avatar reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now