Chapter twenty-nine

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Warning: There are certain amounts of blood and gore in this chapter. If you've seen the show you probably already know, but as I was writing this it got really dark in some parts and I felt the need to state it. I would have put warnings at said places, but it's almost the whole chapter. You have been warned.

Your group of three slowly waded through the water near the shoreline, each step taking you further into enemy territory. As you moved the loud crashes from the battle grew nearer. A ball of nervousness formed in your stomach, settling and refusing to move. Every breath felt too loud. 

"Midoriya, please don't jump into the middle of battle, okay? We have no idea what we're getting ourselves into." It was rare of you to be on the side of caution, but you had also never fought actual villains before, so you figured now was the time to start. 

"Okay, I won't. We'll get out of here the second it seems dangerous." He replied. You hoped that was exactly what ended up happening, but if the start of your day was any indication then it probably wouldn't. 

You could look over and actually see Aizawa fighting. He was worryingly close to where you were, moving so fast he was almost hard to keep track of. He jumped up, swiftly wrapping two different villains up in his impressively long scarf before catapulting his boots into their faces. He paused, taking a few deep breaths while his eyes scanned his surroundings. He looked tired. You had to suppress a sigh of relief upon seeing him semi-ok, but all of that was ruined when you noticed the Handface guy charging straight towards him. You had a bad feeling. 

Aizawa whipped his scarf at the villain, but he dodged it almost effortlessly. Both of them were flying towards each other at high speed, brows furrowed. You held your breath. He took a swing at Aizawa, but he ducked just in time and elbowed him in the gut. Your insides were already twisting themselves into knots before seeing them clash, but now they were working on overdrive. The villain grabbed Aizawa's elbow and you resisted the urge to close your eyes. 

You could see Handface whispering in your teacher's ear and Aizawa's hair fell, an indicator that you knew meant he wasn't using his quirk. It was a trap, he had let Aizawa hit him. You gasped as Aizawa's skin began to turn gray and crumble, flaking off his body and revealing blood underneath. You had to put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from gagging. 

Aizawa punched him again and jumped backwards to get out of his reach. He must have some kind of disintegration quirk, a horrifying thought to you. Aizawa grunted in pain upon landing, and had to immediately dodge a few villains who tried to take advantage of his distracted state. He was quickly being surrounded. You realized he wouldn't last forever. 

"That annoying quirk of yours isn't suited for drawn out fights against big groups, is it?" Handface said in his raspy voice, sounding like fingernails on a chalkboard. "Don't you think you're a little out of your element here, Eraserhead? You're much better at working stealthily. You're known for surprise attacks, not fighting head-to-head. But despite knowing that, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight. To put your students at ease." 

You began taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down. The guy was right, and it made you feel guilty. You were trying so hard not to cry. 

"And look at you, you're still standing! You really are so cool! Oh, by the way, hero. I am not the final boss." You saw Aizawa turn around to see the giant 'thing' that you hesitated to call a person behind him. It's brain was exposed at the top of it's head and it's skin was a dark purple. He stood two to three feet taller than your teacher, and grinned maniacally. He reached his hand towards Aizawa. You looked away. 

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