Chapter thirty-eight

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"Ugh! I keep trying but I can't do it!" You clenched your fists and stomped on the ground. You were currently in your backyard trying to earthbend, a feat which you had yet to accomplish. 

     "Oh calm down, Y/n." Kawa exited the house via the back door carrying a try with drinks on it. "You've been at it since you got home. Take a break." 

     "I can't. I gotta win." You wiped the sweat off of your forehead. "I've been improving in every single element besides earth. I need to sort myself out before the festival." 

     "It'll happen when it happens. All you can do is practice the stances on the scrolls." Kawa sat the tray on the small outside table. 

     "I suppose, but it's so frustrating!" 

     "Here, drink." She handed you a glass. "You need to stop stressing. This is almost as bad as the wait for the entrance exam results." 

     "Sorry, but I don't think it's gonna get any better. We got two weeks of this to go." 

     "This is gonna suck." She said in a singsong voice. "You need to take a break before then. You can't work like this for all of those two weeks." 

"That's what my classmates are doing! I have to be at my very best." You protested. 

"That just gives up an advantage! They'll be too tired to even fight you." Kawa giggled. "I do see your point, but you taking at least one day off if I have to make you."


     "You're kidding." Pau said as he balanced in a ball of circling air, to show you how 'easy' it was. 

     "I'm not! The audacity he had in that moment was astronomical." You gestures wildly while standing on the ground like a normal person. "It still feels like it was a dream." 

     "And this is Endeavor's son?" You nodded. "Wow. Rich kids are the worst." 

     "Shouldn't you two be doing something?" Gram poked her head out the door. "Like training? You're waisting daylight!" 

     "Yes ma'am!" The two of you gave her fake salutes before getting back to work. You twisted your arms around your head to summon a ball of air, failing yet again. All you had produced was a slight breeze. 

     "Ugh!" You groaned loudly while Pau actually snorted, all while sitting cross-legged on the wind and not falling off. What a show off.


     The sound of broken glass rang through the air as you fell off of the ball of wind that you had finally been able to conjure. Unfortunately you couldn't keep your balance, and as you went one direction, the wind went another. At least you weren't the one to hit the window. 

     "Y/n, are you okay?" Pau came rushing over to you. You sat up and blinked a couple of times.
     "Yeah, but I'm not so sure the window is." You grimaced as you thought about what Gram would say. 

     "What did you two just do?" Kawa yelled before walking up to the broken window and looking outside at the two of you, mouth open. "You guys are in so much trouble." 

     "It was Y/n's fault!" Pau stated loudly. You gasped. 

     "Hey!" You gave him a pathetic push.


     "I'm not going to punish you, but can you please be more careful from now on?" Gram asked while looking up to the sky and holding her hands in a praying position. "I don't know what I'm going to do with the two of you." 

"The two of us? Y/n broke the window, not me." Pau crossed his arm and slumped down into the couch. 

"Maybe you could try teaching her easier airbending moves before trying to teach her your little riding trick?" Kawa asked, which prompted Pau to sigh. 

     "It's called the air scooter, and we're on a time crunch, Kawa. Gotta go fast." Kawa rolled her eyes at his antics. 

     "We have two weeks!" She exclaimed. But of course those two weeks were going to fly by.


     After a week of practice you and Pau were finally able to sit on your wind spheres while grinning from ear to ear at each other. Kawa applauded both of you from a safe distance. 

     "Alright, I'm impressed. Your airbending has really improved. And so has your firebending!" She admitted. 

     "Now, if only I could earthbend." You grumbled while actually maintaining your balance. It was kind of like learning how to ride a bike? 

     "It'll come in time." Gram commented. "As long as you practice the forms, I think you'll be fine. Your too used to flowing like water. You need to be unmovable." 

     "Besides, we still have a few days? Ample time." Pau tried to reassure you. 

     "Actually, Y/n has to take a break first." Kawa stated. "We all do." 

     "You know what? I agree! Can we go to my favorite place for dinner?" You dismantled yourself from your place a little shakily, but ended up on your feet. "It's been a while." 

     "It has. And we've all been working hard." Gram contemplated it for a moment. "Okay, let's go." 

     "Yes!" You pumped your fist in excitement. You desperately needed a break before getting back on the grind.


     The day of the festival was stressful. You were growing more confident in your abilities as the Avatar, although it still didn't feel real. Not as real as you would like it to. You still felt the same inside, and being fooled by Todoroki had knocked you down a couple of pegs in your own mind. He had barely paid you any attention since that day, in fact, it was as if he was blatantly ignoring you. Everyone was training hard at school, using the many different UA facilities, but the only thing you could practice there was waterbending. A part of you wondered if you were really ready, but a part of you knew you were. 

     "You have nothing to worry about. We're gonna be in the stands. In the nosebleeds, but we'll still be there." Gram assured you on the drive to the school. You took a deep breath. 

     "I'm so excited! I haven't been to the UA Sports Festival since I was a little boy!" Pau exclaimed from the backseat where he sat next to Kawa. Yes, you had claimed the passenger's seat. "I'm going to scream at the top of my lungs!" 

     "I've changed my mind, can I stay home?" Kawa raised her hand slightly. 

     "No." You said quickly. "I have to know you're all there. It'll help... I think." 

     "You don't have to win. All you have to do is demonstrate your tremendous power. Showing yourself is your only job." Gram assured you. She was the one driving, since she said it would calm her nerves. It seemed all of you were on pins and needles. "And I know you'll succeed in doing just that."

     "Oh, I really hope so." You said, more to you than anyone else. "I hope so."


Author's Note: I'm so excited! I know I say that all the time, but I really mean it. I'm genuinely hyped tf up. Peace, guys.

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