Chapter fifty-five

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     "Welcome back, sports fans! It's finally time for another one on one battle!" Present Mic's voice echoed across the stadium. You were standing at the entrance, waiting to make your entrance. Behind you stood your enthusiastic friends. You looked back at them and Uraraka gave you a thumbs up. 

     "Don't worry, you'll do great!" She smiled at you, and you smiled back. 

"Our first competitor is the girl with the mystery quirk, Y/n!" You strode out onto the battlefield, taking your spot. Once again, the crowd roared with excitement. You didn't think you'd ever get used to it. 

"And now we have Shiozaki Ibara, the plant warrior!" She slowly walked onto the spot opposite you, hands in a praying position. Her gaze looked up to heaven, and you got a little worried. You hoped no one could tell when you were praying, she looked kind of weird. 

"I pray that you won't take your loss too hard." She said while not even looking at you. "I have faith that I will win." 

"Funny, I've been praying for the same thing." You said. She actually looked at you for the first time. 

     "Alright everyone, are you ready?" Midnight held her flag aloft, ready to start the battle. The crowd somehow got even louder. Shiozaki glared at you, and you knew that both of you were ready to give it your all. The moment felt like it lasted longer than it should've. "Go!" Midnight swung her flag, signaling the beginning of the battle. 

     You immediately leaned into your best element and used your arms and wide stance to pull water from the air. You swung your hand in a circle and launched a spinning wheel of water at your opponent. She quickly turned around the vines that made her hair grew, taking the hit before expanding and heading your way with surprising speed. 

"I'll win against you. I have help from a place that you cannot comprehend!" Her voice rang out as her attack advanced. You took a quick breath and move your arms, stealing the moisture from her precious plants. You could practically hear your sister tutting from the audience. 

"You're not the only one who can draw strength from a spiritual place. I know I'm not alone on this battlefield!" You channeled your conviction and directed a blast of water her way. She was forced to dodge it instead of using her hair as a shield. You could see her clenching her teeth in frustration. 

"I've prayed too hard to fail!" She exclaimed with tears forming in her eyes. You felt very sorry for her before remembering how everyone was working so hard to be where you were. 

"And I did too. So who's it gonna be?" 

"Me!" She screeched and your eyes widened has a large swath of vines came at you even faster than before. You reacted quicker than you thought yourself capable of twirled around, pushing energy out of your body. A ring of flames circled around your body and Shiozaki shrieked as her vines caught fire. 

     "Oh, her quirk has to do with the elements! Right?" Present Mic voiced his sudden realization aloud. "How interesting. Looks like our mystery quirk may have been identified, folks!"

     Shiozaki continued with her assault to no avail. You set her vines on fire faster than she could let them go and grow more. It was obvious she was getting tired and you slowly moved forward. You could practically taste victory. This was more firebending than you had ever done in your life. 

     "It looks like Y/n has found her opponents weakness! Will she be able to clench the win? Or will Shiozaki be able to rebound?" Present Mic narrated the match as it continued. You tried not to pay it any mind as your opponent took tentative steps backward. 

     "I'm not going to be pushed out of the ring by you!" She retracted her hair and ran forward herself, launching into attack mode. She swung a fist at you while also using her vines as extra weapons. It was too hard to dodge and she landed a solid hit on your face. You weren't sure if it was a hand or a plant that did the deed. 

     "Wowee, what a comeback! Shiozaki getting down and dirty as if she were working in a garden!" 

     You were overwhelmed for just a moment, the noise growing louder in your ears as all of your focus flew out the window. Just when you thought you had lost it, a light breeze blew through the air, and it was just what you needed. You pushed it in Shiozaki's direction, sending her skidding backwards. She had to use her vines to stop herself from going too far. 

     "Your mistake is that you assumed no one wanted this spot as bad as you do, but your wrong. Everyone wants to be here! Including me, and I'm going to give it my all!" You shouted at her. All background noises fell away as you bombarded her with wind attack after wind attack. She crossed her arms over her face and used her vines to try and grasp the earth, but there was nothing to hold on to. She slowly slid, feet inches from the giving you the victory. And you showed no signs of stopping. 

     You saw it. The moment she decided she couldn't win. The fire in her eyes vanished and her teeth unclenched. It was heartbreaking in a way. She practically stepped over the line with her own free will. It was hard to hear when you were announced as the winner, you may have even missed it. In the end you walked away from the mixed feelings building in your chest, and left them on the battlefield.

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