Chapter twenty-one

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Time passed, and with every hero studies exercise and sparring session you crossed more classmates off of your 'potential Avatar list'. You had crossed off Kaminari, Jirou, and Kirishima after thinking hard about the first hero class you had. Then Bakugo (thank the spirits), Aoyama, and Hagakure got eliminated. Shortly after that Iida, Mina and Sato were marked off on Friday, during a class you actually passed! You weren't sure if it made you excited or nervous. The more you considered your classmates the more it seemed like you were the only bender among them.

You slept late on Saturday, since UA was kicking your ass. After getting up you decided to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, even though it was getting closer to lunch. You couldn't believe it had only been a week since school started, since it felt like a million years. At times going to such an amazing school had felt impossible, especially considering how poor your family was for a while when you were younger. Gram would work near constantly while Pau was in school so he could focus on his studies, and Kawa did a lot of the housework back then. Of course she still did, but she was working at the flower shop now and Gram was finally retired. 

"Hey Y/n, sleep well?" Kawa entered the kitchen, purse and car keys in hand. She was clearly going somewhere. 

"Mostly. I dreamt Bakugo was chasing me down the halls while All Might provided commentary like it was a basketball game." 

"Oh, how nice. Did you win?" You thought back to your nightmare for a moment. 

"I'm not sure, but considering my luck? Probably not." 

"You'll kick his butt one day." She patted you on the head absentmindedly while filling her reusable water bottle from the fridge. 

"You mean his ass?" You asked playfully and she whacked you lightly on the head. 

"Noooo." She said. "I'm getting groceries today, is there anything you desperately need?" 

"I'll remember later, long after you return from the store." Your reply rang true in your heart. It happened every time. 

"Text me if it comes to you before then." 

"I will." You sighed as she left you alone. What was on the agenda for today? Netflix? Youtube? Rewatching All Might's documentary? Scrolling through pro-hero stan twitter for an unimaginably long time? It turned out to be none of those things, although it would have been nice to have a lazy day for once. 

"What are we doing today?" Pau shouted as he burst into the kitchen. 

"You're not busy?" You asked, hoping he wasn't. He was busy more often than not these days. 

"Nope, I'm bored and we're doing something!" You paused the conversation thoughtfully. Wasn't there something you had been meaning to ask him about doing? 

"Hey, want to meet some of my classmates?" You asked him excitedly. 

"Hell yes I do! Are you sure they're free?" 

"I'll text them and see." You picked up your phone off of the counter and made a groupchat consisting of all the people in your class you had told about your brother, naming it the Fleetwind Fanclub.

hey, anyone free and wanna meet my
bro? he's cool, i promise!
Heck yeah!

Sorry girl, Im bsuy!

I'll be free in thirty minutes!

i'm busy

I have to clean my room or im grounded 😭
mido isnt free for thirty mins, clean

no chance, its a war zone here
ill have ptsd on monday 😫

stfu and clean ur room
also why tf am i in this group chat?

You sighed loudly. You almost didn't put him in the group chat, but were afraid he would be mad at you even though he probably won't come. He seemed like the kind of person who would do that.
"Why do you torture yourself?" Pau asked, watching the entire convo from your shoulder. You groaned in response.

ur invited because i didnt wanna
hear u being a baby about not being

as if id care
fuck off

You growled and mouthed an angry, "ok". Pau exhaled through his nose. You decided to ignore it.

I'd love to come! 💗

yay! 😘


I am afraid I cannot make it. Please thank
your brother for the invitation for me.

"He types like he talks!" You whisper shouted.
"Tell him he's welcome, but I was not the mastermind behind this plan." Pau said. You rolled your eyes.

he says ur welcome

Sorry, i'm babysitting today

its ok tsu, ill see u on monday 💚


"Where should we meet? I don't think we have enough snacks to feed a troupe of hungry high schoolers here." You asked Pau. He squinted thoughtfully. 

"It'll be past lunchtime when we meet, how about a cafe?" You nodded in agreement and quickly set up a time and place, a nice cafe at about 2pm. The list of people included you, Pau, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Uraraka. Not a bad list of people for something so spontaneous, but you had hoped for more. 

"You should probably wear something that's not your pajamas." Pau said, refering to the way you were currently dressed. Pajamas was a bit of a stretch, since it was just an old pair of shorts and a tank top, but you couldn't wear it out. 

"I'll go get ready. Don't break anything while I'm gone." You put your cereal bowl by the sink to be washed later. 

"Me break something? I'm the adult here, kid." He rinsed your bowl out and got ready to wash the dishes. 

"Whatever." You called as you dashed up the stairs. Today was going to be fun.


Author's note: before anyone asks, yes, y/n has a pro-hero stan twitter account where she stans all the AvaPaang heroes and posts memes. I can't imagine there not being pro-hero stan twitter, it's probably craaaazy. Peace ✌️

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