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A fateful meeting - 40 years ago

Kids were whispering on the kindergarten playground. From what Iwamatsu Pong could tell from there vague whispers it seemed that a new student was arriving today. He smiled at the thought of a new friend, since he was already friends with everyone else in his class. 

"Ritsu Sensei says there from America. What if they don't even know Japanese?" One kid asked another. "How will we talk to them?" 

"I thought everyone in the world knew Japanese?" 

"Of course not, stupid." 

"Hey! Ritsu Sensei says that's not nice!" 

The two kids talking started fighting each other before Ritsu Sensei came along to stop them. After the fight was broken up and the children put into time out Pong approached his teacher.
"Hey Sensei, is there a new student coming here soon?" He asked her. She knelt down to his level. He was her favorite student. 

"Why yes, there is! And he's all the way from America!" She talked animatedly. 

"Will he be able to speak Japanese?" Pong really wanted to know if he would be able to talk to them so they could be friends. 

"Yes! I know his father and his entire family speaks Japanese." Pong smiled. The student could speak Japanese and they were a boy! 

"I'm so excited!" He declared before running off to play. He was so excited, In fact, that he could barely sleep that night.


Sakai David felt out of place in Japan, even though he was part Japanese. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He certainly looked like he belonged in Japan, unlike his mom, who was blonde and very American. His parents made sure he knew how to speak the language. 

Then again, maybe it wasn't about the fact that he was from America. Maybe it was about the fact that he was quirkless. 

He was so nervous about school. Even more people had quirks here than in America, which meant they would judge him even more harshly. The butterflies took several laps around his stomach. 

"Kids, we have a new students at school today, and he comes all the way from America!" David's new teacher Ritsu Sensei said. "This is your new classmate, Sakai David!" 

     David gave a weak smile to his new classmates. They didn't look mean, but you could never know. 

     The day seemed to continue like a normal school day from what he could tell, not that he knew. He had never been to school before now. 

     "Hi! I'm Iwamatsu Pong, your classmate. Wanna be friends?" He had bright blue eyes and no hair on his bald head. David has never met a kid with no hair before. 

     "Sure, I'm David." 

     "My parents tell me when I first meet someone I should call them by their family name. Is it different in America?" Oh yeah, David had forgotten. Again. 

     "Back home everyone just calls you by your first name, so you can go ahead and call me David if you want? Since we might be friends?" His voice was shaky. 

     "Ok! I'm friends with everyone in class, so I can help you make even more friends!" His eyes sparkled. "Hey, what's your quirk? I bet it's something really cool since your foreign!" 

     "I don't have a quirk." David spoke it really quietly, hoping no one else would hear."

     "What was that? I couldn't hear you?"  

     "Oh, I said a I don't have a quirk." David said it a little louder, and he could tell the other kids heard. He winced. 

     "Oh, that's ok! Want to hear about mine?" The boy seemed perfectly fine with it, but the other kids made faces. 

     "Sure. What is it?" 

     "I can control the wind! It's kind of hard though." The boy waved his hands and the air around the two moved. David smiled, he had never seen a quirk like that before. 

     "That's neat!" He said. "Are you sure you want to be friends with me? Your quirk is so cool, and I don't have one." 

     "Of course I want to." He looked confused. "I want to be friends with everyone!" 

     And so a friendship lasting many, many years began.

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