Chapter twenty-seven

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An awakening, that's what happened. The USJ Incident, as it would later be called, changed your life forever. And it was all because of that damn fire zone. 

It burned hot and the air was dry. You immediately knew it was the worst possible place for you to be in. A smaller dome was over this part of the building to keep the blaze contained, but instead of being clear the glass was tinted, making it appear as if it was nighttime. The city was comparable to the ones back at the school, but on fire. A key difference for you. Oh spirits, you hated fire. You jumped up off of the ground as a voice behind you piped up. 

"Heh, we have you surrounded little hero. You may as well lay down and die." You spun around to see villains behind you. And in front of you. And at your sides. He wasn't lying. He was also seven and a half feet of pure muscle and partially on fire. Your eyes grew wide. "Oh, are you scared? If you give up, I'll finish you quickly." You eyes narrowed. 

"I think I'll die fighting." You said dryly, even though you were scared. The air was hot, and when people were hot, they got sweaty. You moved your arms quickly and stripped them of all water on their person. A couple seemed surprised. 

"A water quirk. You won't last long here." One said and others yelled in agreement. Your heart sank. Even if you did fight with all of your might, you would still probably lose. You had to try though. Gram, Pau, and Kawa would never want you to quit. 

One of the villains behind you attacked first, throwing a fireball. You twisted around, blocking it with your meager water supply. Some of the water evaporated. You desperately needed to dodge whenever you could. You moved out of the way of several projectiles. It was easier said than done. 

The fight continued this way for a while, if you could even call it a fight. All they did was throw projectiles at you, slowly wearing you down and reducing your 'weaponry'. You began slowly siphoning the water out of your belt, aware of how little you actually had on your person. If you survived this your costume needed some serious upgrades. 

For the most part you did fairly well, but they weren't really trying to kill you, or even hit you half of the time. You twisted and twirled to see where the missiles were coming from to move in time. They all had fire quirks. Just when you thought you were in the clear an attack grazed your arm. You couldn't help but groan in pain. 

"Are you ready to end our little spat anytime soon? You know you'll never last." The leader said. You gritted your teeth. You were running out of water, and you weren't sure if you could get more. If the full moon was out, then maybe you could do something, and that was a big maybe. You had never done anything like that before, and you doubted you could to a group. You were screwed. 

The fear that suddenly gripped your entire body was unbearable. You were fighting a losing battle. What if you didn't survive? What if you never saw your family again? They would be devastated. They had already lost enough, and now this would be all your fault. You knew they wouldn't blame you, but you blamed yourself. 

That was when it happened. Your awakening, that is. Your water had evaporated, your head was pounding, and a barrage of fire-related attacks was launched directly at you. They were going in for the kill. You closed your eyes, somehow finding the last, small bit of determination inside of yourself, and whirled around. You had no water, you were doing it out of pure instinct. Looking back on that moment, you would realize it was always meant to happen this way. How else would you realize you could firebend?

You opened your eyes, unsure of what you had just done. It felt... different than waterbending. As if energy was leaving your body. You were vaguely aware that you had just done something you had never done before. The villains seemed wary of you, some even taking a step back. 

"So you have another quirk, your still outnumbered." He tried to say it confidently but he still sounded unsure. You were confused, but determined to do whatever you had just done again. He launched another attack and you swung your hand through the air, pushing the energy, your chi, out of your body. Your eyes grew wide. You had deflected his fireball, with a wave of fire! You grew more confused. Since when were you a firebender? 

Unfortunately you weren't able to stay confused for long, since this was when the head villain decided to attack you physically. He and his troupe began closing in, and even with your newly discovered power, you were no match for them. Fortunately, this was when the cavalry arrived. 

"Dark Shadow, now!" A voice shouted and several trees and chunks of debris fell, shaking the ground and falling on top of your enemies. As the dust cleared you saw someone walking towards you. It was Tokoyami! You squealed and pumped your fist into the air. You had only the vaguest idea of how his quirk worked, but you were certain he could help you kick villain ass. You vaulted over a piece of debris towards him, escaping the 'ring of fire' you were previously trapped in. 

"Thank the spirits! You arrived just in time." You stood beside him, facing where you were before. It was hard to tell, but he looked awfully pleased in himself for springing his trap. 

"I know. Are you okay?" 

"Better than ever. Are you ready to kick ass?" You sent him a smile. He actually smiled back and it almost got you teary eyed, you weren't gonna lie. 

"Just make sure you deflect any fire attacks going towards Dark Shadow, he's weak to light." He said. You gave him a reassuring wink. 

"Leave it to me." 

You finished the conversation just as the villains had finally gotten up and reorganized themselves. And they looked pissed. At least a couple of them appeared to be knocked out for good. 

"You stupid kids, I'm gonna fucking cremate you!" The leader yelled as he rushed towards you, sending a barrage of fire in your direction. You took a stance in front of Tokoyami, trying to imitate the moves of the firebending hero you had studied while trying to find the Avatar. You winced but didn't have time to dwell on it, because you were too busy fighting for your life. You did your best to redirect the blaze while Dark Shadow swooped in and knocked the man so hard he flew off of the ground and landed with a 'thud'. 

It turned out you two worked great together as you double teamed the villains, forcibly knocking them back one by one. Some even hit buildings hard enough to crack the damaged walls, and some didn't get up again. Eventually only one was left, and of course it had to be the jerk who had taunted you. You were really getting sick of him. 

"You, you stupid wanna be heroes. I'll, I'll...." He stumbled over his words, and his feet. He looked on the verge of dropping. 

"You'll do nothing." You said before kicking him in the face. He fell over, and didn't get up. It was possibly the coolest moment of your fifteen years. You stood still for a moment, listening. The only sound was the fire crackling and your heavy breathing. The fight was finally over. You turned and walked to Tokoyami, who wore his normal, neutral expression. 

"Do you know where the door to this place is? Because I don't." You said. He stayed quiet for a minute. You raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Since when did you have a fire quirk?" He finally broke the silence. Oh. You had forgotten about that for a moment, probably willingly. You looked down at your hand as if it were alien. He was right, it came completely out of left field. Since when were you a firebender? Could you always firebend? What did this mean? Wait. What did it mean? Your eyes grew wide as a thought hit you like a ton of bricks. 

Did it mean you were the Avatar?


Author's note: i guess the cat's out of the bag (as if it was ever in the bag to begin with). for the record, i never really tried to make it some hidden twist that you weren't supposed to see coming, mostly because i couldn't. the reason why y/n didn't know she was the Avatar was because she was in denial, she wasn't really looking for them, in a sense she was just looking for someone better than her to take this huge burden off of her shoulders. anyway, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i had fun writing it! ✌️

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