Chapter three

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You walked through your front door, letting out a fat sigh you had been saving for that exact moment. You dropped your bag on the floor before taking of your jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. 

"Y/n, is that you?" Gram called you from the kitchen. You popped your head into the kitchen.
"Yep, it's me!" You smiled and took a deep breathe through your nose. Gram was making snickerdoodles so the entire house smelled like cinnamon and sugar. 

"You didn't have to make cookies for me Gram." You told her as she got the pan out of the oven. 

     "Who says they're for you?" She asked you with an attitude. You gave her a incredulous look with one eyebrow raised. "I'm kidding! Kids these day just can't take sass like they used to." You reaches out to grab one but Gram grabbed your hand. "They are hot, y/n. Have some sense." 

     "You should know by now I don't have any." You watched her move each cookie from the pan onto a plate with a spatula. "I think I was cursed at birth." 

     "Stop being dramatic and tell me how your test went!" 

     "I think it went well? The most tiring part was the written test in my opinion."

     "Sit down and tell me all about it." 

     So you both sat at the kitchen table, eating cookies and talking. You told her about the test in excruciating detail as best as you could remember and she nodded and added a few words every now and again. The cookies were amazing, as always. After you were done telling her everything she squinted her eyes in thought.

"I would say you did a great job, y/n. I must warn you though, I don't want you to be too upset if you don't get in." 

"I know! There were so many people there. There's no way I won't be sad if I don't make it though." You didn't want to tell her if you didn't make it in you would be upset for weeks. 

     That's when you both heard the front door open, following by a frantic banging sound. You gave each other looks before going to investigate what was going on. 

     It was Kawa, and she had her hands absolutely full. You sighed deeply. She had brought another dying houseplant home to nurse back to life. 

     "Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me." You said. Kawa had an embarrassed look on her face. 

     "I'll find it a new home after it heals, y/n." 

"That's what you always say! And yet? We still have plants everywhere?" 

"I'll keep it in my room!" 

"That would be fabulous. If you had room in your room." You had your hands on your hips as you scolded her. You were up to your ears in plants and whenever allergy season comes it's absolute hell. 

"Calm down y/n. It's one plant." Gram intruded in Kawa's favor. 

"Oh yeah? That's how we got this!" You gestured around you. You did have a point. The place looked like a greenhouse. "Kawa please. Claritin can only do so much." 

Then Kawa brought out her secret weapon. Her puppy dog eyes. You let out a dramatic groan, knowing you had lost. Damn Kawa and her unimaginable beauty. 

"I'm going to go take a shower!" You yelled as you climbed the stairs. If it wasn't for Gram and her cookies you would have already taken one. You busied yourself, grabbing your clothes from your room. You got your favorite shirt from your closet, an old one. So old, in fact, that it was made before you were born. It was your mom's shirt, and it had her favorite pro hero on it, AvaPaang. It wasn't the only thing you had that was hers. I'm fact, your room was covered in it. AvaPaang posters. Three different bobble-heads. Figurines. Several more shirts. Kawa jokingly called it your "shrine". You also had a framed picture of your mom in the same exact shirt you were about to put on. It was all really sentimental for you. 

"Y/n! Hurry up and take your shower, we're fixing to start making supper!" Kawa called from downstairs. You had gotten distracted. Again. Unfortunately, this wasn't unusual for you. You took one last look at your shrine. Kawa wasn't wrong, it definitely was a shrine. Just not for AvaPaang.


Author's note: So Kawa since doesn't get allergies because she has a plant quirk I imagine that, to make up for it, the universe decided to give y/n twice the allergies of a normal human being. So it's like...

Kawa (watering her plants or smn idk)
Y/n (sneezes loudly, disturbing Kawa's peace)
Kawa: Are you ok? What's wrong?
Y/n: Allergies.
Kawa: Allergies do that?
Y/n: Yes.

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