Chapter twenty-eight

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     After you told Tokoyami how you had developed your strange new powers today he just sort of left you alone. He probably realized you were questioning your entire existence. You kind of just followed him throughout the fire zone as you searched for the exit. Neither of you knew where you were going, or at least it seemed that way. You both sort of agreed the best way to find the door was to follow the edge of the dome, unfortunately that was easier said than done. It seemed as if the two of you had walked for miles in the heat, not that you noticed how long it had been, you were too busy trying to freak out silently. And freak out you did. 

     You had come to the conclusion that it wasn't true. There was no way you were the Avatar. At least, that was what you had told yourself for years. The thought hadn't come to you often, but when it did, you were quick to banish it out of your mind. There was no way, you weren't good enough. Getting your hopes up would never be worth it with someone as hopeless as you. Besides, the Avatar was the master of all four elements. Yeah, sure, nobody who wasn't the Avatar was supposed to be able to bend more than one element, you weren't that stupid, but maybe you should hold off judgment? Just for now? You felt like you deserved a few more moments of denial after what you had just been through. 

"I found the door." Tokoyami stopped suddenly and you bumped into him. Wow, you had been spacing out hardcore. You needed to get your head out of the clouds, your life was still in danger, in case you hadn't forgotten. 

After exiting that stupid fire dome you took a deep breath of fresh air. Tokoyami looked relieved, he must've been burning up in those dark clothes of his. And yet he still hadn't taken any of them off. The aesthetic prevailed. 

You also saw one of the most beautiful things in the world outside of the fire zone... water. The flood zone was right next to you, and nothing had ever felt so comforting. You also got another surprise, upon scanning the shoreline you easily spotted Midoriya and Tsu! You started to shout at them but Tokoyami stopped you because it was a bad idea, so instead the two of you ran over to them. You were all excited to see each other. 

     "I'm so happy to see you guys!" You exclaimed as quietly as you could bring yourself to do so. 

     "Me too, uh, where were you?" Midoriya asked after getting a good look at you. You were sweaty and Tokoyami somehow looked like he always did. How did he do it? 

"We were trapped in the fire zone." Tokoyami answered. Both Midoriya and Tsu seemed concerned. 

"Thank the spirits we found a way out. It was roasting in there." You said and they nodded in understanding. 

"We were just discussing what our next move was, aah!" Midoriya explained before wincing in pain. Looking down you saw both his thumb and middle finger were broken. 

"Are you okay?" Tsu asked him. He most definitely was not okay, but he tried to pretend he was. You rolled your eyes and gathered water around your hands. You probably couldn't heal him perfectly, but maybe you could ease his pain. 

"Alright, come here Izuku." You said. He looked up at you in surprise and you held up your hands, which were now glowing. "I'm gonna heal you." 

"You can heal?" He asked incredulously. Tsu already knew you could heal, but Tokoyami seemed kind of surprised too. 

"How many quirks do you have?" He asked evenly. 

"I heal with water, it's a special technique that my Gram taught me. Also I probably can't heal you fully, sorry." You apologized. 

"No, it's okay!" He said and you held his hand, covering it in water. Afterward his fingers looked significantly better. "Thanks! I owe you one Y/n." 

"Don't mention it. Now, what were you guys planning on doing next?" You asked them. 

"Oh, yeah. I was thinking if we follow the shore to the exit then we could avoid the central plaza entirely." Midoriya answered. 

"Good idea. That way we don't run into the villains Aizawa Sensei's facing off with." Tsu replied. Everyone grew quiet after remembering how your teacher had ran straight into a large group of enemies for you. 

"If he doesn't get some backup, then he's just going to overexert himself. He'll end up defeated by those villains cause he was trying to keep us safe." Midoriya said. He was right, it was a tough battle and even though Aizawa looked like he could handle it when you left, he probably couldn't keep up forever. There had to be a breaking point somewhere, right? 

"I don't know if that's a good idea Midoriya. I think he would be pretty mad if we went where he wouldn't want us to." Tsu countered. 

"I'm not saying we should jump into the middle of a battle. But... maybe we can find a way to take a few of those guys out and lighten his load." It seemed like an okay plan to you, and you really didn't want to leave Aizawa hanging out to dry. He'd probably scold you, but if you saved his life it would be worth it. Your group began moving forward, but you stopped when you realized that Tokoyami wasn't following. You turned around and went back to him while the others went ahead, not noticing. 

"Aren't you coming Toko?" You asked him. 

     "I can't. I'm going to go looking to see if anyone else needs help." 

     "But shouldn't we be moving towards the doors? I'm sure that's what our teachers would want us to do." You knew you should probably stick together. You would have a better chance at survival in a group, but Tokoyami wanted to be the loner. 

     "I came to UA to be a hero. I'm not leaving others." He said. 

     "Oh. Well... I could go with you?" You suggested, but he shut that idea down quickly 

     "No, you should be moving along the shoreline with the water." He paused. You could tell he wanted to say more, so you let him speak. "I won't tell anyone about what happened, but I noticed something about you. You always seem to sell yourself short. If you forget how strong you are you won't act when you need to." Wow, you were surprised. That was a lot of words for someone as quiet as him, and so thoughtful too. 

     "If I can't change your mind, then at least try to stay safe. I still need to repay you for saving my life." You said quietly. 

     "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." He came awfully close to smiling at you. "Goodbye."
You nodded at him and he turned around and walked away. You almost couldn't bring yourself to leave, but you knew you had to. Midoriya could barely use his quirk without injuring himself, and you doubted Tsu could keep him safe all on her own. Still, you kind of owed Tokoyami your life now and he was kind enough to keep your firebending a secret. He was a hard guy to get to know, but when you did he was pretty cool. 

"Where is Tokoyami going? Shouldn't we all be sticking together?" Tsu asked and you shrugged in response. 

"I told him that, but he said he wanted to go help find some of the others. I couldn't convince him to stay." 

"Well, if that's what he wants to do, I guess we can't stop him. We need to get moving, who knows how long Aizawa has before he's too exhausted to fight?" Midoriya reasoned. Still, it was hard to leave him behind. The only thing you could do was utter a small prayer to the spirits for his safety, and yours. You all would need it. You watched his figure disappear into the unknown before leaving, unaware of the danger you were walking into.


Author's note: currently in the middle of writing the chapter after this, but felt the need to give you your regularly scheduled Saturday update anyway, i feel like it's expected at this point lol. hope you enjoyed ✌️

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