Chapter one

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     Your alarm woke you up on the morning of the entrance exam for UA high school. The first thing you did was make a loud squealing noise with your mouth. Was it nerves? Excitement? We're you just tired? Nobody knew, you least of all. It was probably everything culminating into one unidentifiable noise. Accepting this answer you got out of bed to get ready. 

     The sound of your sister cooking breakfast in the kitchen was the music for your shower. Last night she promised she would make you waffles for your big day, and the clattering noise of silverware (and her slight swearing as she made enough noise to wake the dead) confirmed it was a promise she would be keeping. You smiled. You had worked so hard for this day. Gram had basically pronounced you a water bending master, you had saved up a decent amount of money from babysitting and lawn mowing, and your cousin Pau who lived with you, your Gram, and your sister Kawa, now had a decent heroing job since he graduated top of his class from Ketsubutsu. Oh yeah, it was all coming together. 

     You fixed your hair in two tight buns on the top of your head so as to keep them out of your eyes, the only loose hairs your two hair loopes which circled back to attach to said buns. It was an important day and nothing could ruin your good mood. 

     By the time you made it to the kitchen everyone else who lived with you was awake. Gram sat at the kitchen table, sipping her tea, Kawa was over the stove making sure the bacon didn't burn (again), and Pau was meditating off to the side, sitting on top of a ball of wind with his eyes closed. You took a seat at the table where a cup of tea was already waiting for you, undoubtedly the work of your Gram. 

     "Excited?" She asked smiling. You smiled back. 

     "Yes! But I'm also really nervous." Gram always made you feel comfortable enough to tell her whatever you were feeling. 

     "I'm proud of you, you know? Whether you pass or fail, I'll always be proud of you." Your spirits lifted higher, if that was even possible. 

     "If you don't pass I'm ousting you from the family." Pau said from the corner, his eyes were still closed but he was grinning from ear to ear. "Jk, jk. I love you." He blew you a kiss. You pretended to catch it and slammed it down on the table. He stuck out his tongue. In reality Pau was your cousin, but it was easier to refer to him as your brother, however confusing that may be. 

     "Breakfast is ready kids." Kawa announced loudly. Yep, she was the mom friend. Both you and Pau jokingly called her perfect all the time, which would always make her roll her eyes. 

     Breakfast tasted good and only positive words passed your lips when you spoke. It was a pleasant morning. Your family was small and unconventional, but it was good. When people found out it was just you three orphans and their Gram they usually expressed pity, but you wouldn't have it any other way. 

     Eventually the food was gone and the plates stacked beside the sink. The time to leave came and everyone gave you a hug, Gram planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. You made sure you were ready and set off for UA. Today certainly was special.


UA was ginormous. Ginormous and beautiful and an absolute ray of hope. Your mouth hung open for a full minute before you were able to compose yourself to start moving again, but before you could someone bumped into you from behind. 

"Oops. Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going kero." You looked behind you to find a short girl with green hair. 

"It's ok, I was kind of standing in the way." You tried to take the blame. "Want to walk together?"
"Sure. Are you here for the entrance exam too, kero?" The two of you made your way to the large doors. 

"Yep. I'm so excited! I've been working really hard for this." You smiled brightly and pumped your fists in excitement. The girl smiled back. 

"You're really cute, kero." She said it as if it was a fact. A small blush formed on your cheeks.
"Thanks! You're adorable too." It was the other girls turn to blush now. At this point you realized you hadn't even introduced yourself. "My name is Ikeyuri, Y/n, by the way." 

"Oh, I'm Asui, Tsuyu. It's nice to meet you." 

"It was nice to meet you too, Asui!"

     The two of them took seats in the large auditorium for the exam orientation. You were so excited you were bouncing up and down in your seat. You didn't notice the stranger beside you looking annoyed by your excitement. 

     "What's up UA candidates? Today you're tuning in to the school dj. Come on and let me hear ya!" Nobody responded to Present Mic, the pro hero doing the orientation. To his credit, the awkward silence didn't last too long. "Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is going to go down, ok? Are you ready?" His question was answered with more silence. He then went on to explain the exam guidelines, which was basically just repeating stuff from the pamphlet application. 

     "It seems pretty straightforward. I'm kind of surprised he has to explain it." The person beside you spoke. You shrugged in response to the stranger. 

     "He probably has to. Besides, some people like to have the info before jumping into it."
     "Yeah, I suppose you're right." 

     "Excuse me sir, I have a question!" One examine suddenly interrupted Present Mic. You twisted your head to look at him. 

     "Hit me!" At least he's seemed open to the interruption. 

     "On the printout you've listed four types of villains, not three! With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistakes such as this won't do." He then swiftly turned around to point at one of the students behind him. You squinted to be able to see him in the darkness and could just make out his green hair as blushing cheeks. "Additionally, you with the unkempt hair! You've been muttering this entire time! Stop that! If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

     "Wow, it's like he's sucking all of the energy out of the room." You muttered. Some of the other examines around you were chuckling. 

     "Alright, alright, examine #7111! Thanks for calling in with your request. The fourth villain type is worth zero points! That guys just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's kind of no point. I recommend that my listeners try to ignore it and focus and the ones top of the charts!"  

     "Thank you very much. Please continue." The examine sat back down. He was right, the extra obstacle was confusing. If it was worth zero points, then why include it? Was it just there to mess with their heads? If someone did take one down, would there truly be no reward? It definitely seemed more than a little fishy.

     "That's all I've got for you today! I'll sign off with a little present, a sample of our school motto! As general Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, a true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes! Now that's a tasty sound bite. Now are you ready to go beyond? Let's hear it for Plus Ultra! Good luck, hope you've practiced hitting more than just books." 

     It was time for the practical exam to begin. It was time for the practical exam to begin. Unfortunately, your excitement was beginning to fade and was slowly being replaced by anxiety. Everything that had happened that morning was finally hitting you, and it was hitting you like a train. You forced yourself to take a few deep breaths. You were a talented water bender. You had worked so hard to pass this exam. You had to pass this exam. 

     You got up from your seat to go find the battle center where your exam was taking place. It was time to begin.


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