Chapter forty-five

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     It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness of the narrow faculty and student entrance. You could hear the faint sound of your other classmates chatting excitedly somewhere nearby. Izuku stood beside of you. He looked worried. You glanced down at his hand for a second. It was shaking. 

Across from the two of you stood Todoroki, leaning back against a wall. His expression was hard to read, like always. It had given you deja vu when he had dragged the two of you off shortly after the end of the second round, before you had the chance to go to lunch. If you weren't able to eat before the one-on-one battles you would be very mad at him. Not that you weren't already. 

"We should probably eat soon! The cafeteria's gonna be busy, don't you think?" Izuku tried to talk Todoroki down in vain. He didn't even bother moving from his spot. It was like he was holding the two of you captive. 

"What do you want Todoroki. Just spill it so we can go." You were so done with this boy. You had realized that he had layers, that didn't mean you were keen on pulling them back. 

"I was overwhelmed. And it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago." He finally started.

"You must be good at that." You muttered loud enough for him to hear. Izuku seemed confused, and you weren't about to offer him an explanation. All Todoroki did was stare at his hand in disappointment. 

"Iida and Kaminari... Yaoyorozu and Uraraka... None of them felt it. In that moment, I was the only one who could sense your true power." This wasn't directed at you. Todoroki looked up at your shaking companion. "It reminded me of something. Experiencing All Might's quirk."

"Oh, yeah? Okay... Is that all?" Poor Izuku seemed bewildered. You were too of course, but you had been through this schtick before. It wasn't as effective the second time around. 

"I'm saying, the power coming from you felt the same as All Might's." Todoroki said."Midoriya, tell me.... Are you really All Might's secret lovechild or something?" 

"Pfft, what?" You laughed awkwardly before it dawned on you. "Oh, you're serious?" 

"Well, are you?" Todoroki asked him. 

"No, no way! That's not it at all. But I guess even if I was, I'd totally say I wasn't. So you probably won't believe me no matter what, I bet. Anyway, I promise you've got the wrong idea." He word vomited his half-assed explanation at lightning speed. Honestly, even you were almost not buying it. "And... Why would you even think that about me?"

"'That's not it at all' is interesting wording. It suggests there is something between you two that you're not supposed to talk about." 

"Yeah, he's kind of right. Even I'm not convinced." You confessed. "You need to get better at explaining things, Izuku." 

"My father is the hero Endeavor. You must've heard of him. Which means you're aware that he's the number two hero. So if you're connected to the number one hero, All Might, in some way. That would mean that I have even more reason to beat you." Todoroki was almost monologuing now. You began wondering what his point was. "My old man is ambitious. He aims for the top. He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero. But he was never able to best All Might, so the Symbol of Peace is living proof of his failure. He's still at it though. Trying to take down All Might, one way or another." 

"I'm not really sure what you're getting at. What are you trying to tell me, Todoroki?" Izuku asked and you rolled your eyes.  

"Didn't you here what he just said? His dad's a sore loser." Todoroki glared at you with his piercing gaze. It almost made you fidget. The next question seemed pointed directly at you.
"Have you ever heard of... quirk marriages?" He looked at you as if trying to gauge your reaction. You raised one eyebrow quizzically, not understanding what he was getting at. "They became a problem in the first few generations after superpowers became widespread. There were those who sought out potential mates solely with the intention of creating powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships. They were simply viewed as old-fashioned arranged marriages, but clearly it was unethical. My father has not only a rich history of accomplishments, but plenty of money to throw at his problems. He bought my mother's relatives to get his hands on her quirk. And now he's raising me to usurp All Might. It's so annoying. I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag." At this point both you and Izuku were in mild shock. And then his story got even worse. "In every memory of my mother I only see her crying. I remember she called my left side unbearable, before she poured boiling water on my face. The reason I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing. Without having to rely on his damned fire quirk. You see, I'm going to show him that I reject his power, and I can take first place without using it." 

There was a really awkward silence after Todoroki's entire speech. The emperor had no clothes whatsoever, and you had a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach. 

"Todoroki, I'm pretty sure you should be telling this to a therapist, and not us?" You volunteered. "I mean yeah, your dad's an asshole, but I'm not sure why I needed to know this?" 

"And you wouldn't happen to know anything about quirk marriages." Todoroki looked at you like he was trying to burn a hole in your skull. You clenched your teeth. 

"No, I wouldn't. May I ask what you're referring to?" 

"No one just happens to have a quirk like yours." Izuku seemed very confused at this statement. 

"What are you talking about? Y/n's quirk is impressive, but only because of how good she is at it. It's just a water quirk, isn't it?" He asked while shifting his eyes between the two of you. 

"You should probably ask her that. I did say I wouldn't tell." 

"Oh, so you're keeping your word now? What a change of heart." You were officially mad now, and this was when the boy should have stopped. Unfortunately he wasn't very good at picking up social cues. 

"I can admit that what I said was harsh, but I still meant it. You are naive. But is it possible you've been blind in your own house? I heard your older brother has a powerful quirk too. One that's comparable to yours, and he's a hero. What a coincidence." 

"Jokes on you, he's not even my brother! He's my cousin. And to top it off, I don't even have my father's quirk. My sister does, and she works at a flower shop. So your point is moot." You actually smiled at proving him wrong. "Do you need anything else, Todoroki? Can I go eat lunch now?" 

"There is obviously more to you than meets the eye. And I won't back down." He said to you before turning to Izuku. "And you're obviously connected to All Might. Even if you won't tell me about it. But no matter how fiercely both of you come at me in the future, I will defeat you using only my right side. I can assure you of that." And with that he walked out of the entrance and into the sunlight. Conversation over, at least for you. Izuku ran after him, presumably to get the last word. He liked to do that. You took a deep breath and walked further into the entrance. Hopefully you could get to lunch faster this way? 

It turns out you were wrong, because as soon as you turned the corner at the end of the small hallway, you saw Bakugo. He was desperately trying to look like he wasn't eavesdropping on your conversation. It wasn't working. 

"So, what are you doing here Bakugo? Shouldn't you be at the cafeteria right now?" You asked him. He dropped his act rather quickly. 

"What was he talking about?" 

"Who?" You asked him. 

"Icy Hot! About your fucking quirk!" 

"Don't tell me you were spying on us, Bakugo! The betrayal!" You feigned shock dramatically. He rolled his eyes. "Why don't we just go get lunch? The caf's probably pack by now and we need to eat whether you like it or not." 

"Then we'll both starve. I'm not leaving till you spill." He crossed his arms and stood in your way. "It's your choice, bitch." 

"Ugh! You're the worst!" You groaned. What was with these stupid boys? "Why can't you wait till the versus battles like everyone else?" 

"Because I'm gonna fucking beat you, that's why!" He did yell it, but you could tell he was at least trying to keep quiet. 

"Fine! I surrender." You held your hands up like a faux white flag, right before moving them so a gust of wind swept the boy out of your way. You ran past him laughing. 

"Wait! What the fuck was that?!?" He yelled without restraint. "Come back here! I'm not fucking done with you!" 

But it was too late. You were already gone, off to grab your lunch and eat it as fast as possible. You needed strength to beat all of your opponents.


Author's Note: Who else has been watching the new Animaniacs? The anime scene was sick! Also I did not expect that part at the end, it kind of just happened while I was writing, but I like it. Hope you enjoyed!

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