Chapter twenty

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     After the hostage had been declared dead you and Bakugo tried to chase down the villain team to no avail, they had the drop on you the entire time. After a short fight they escaped, thanks to zip lines they made out of Sero's tape quirk. It was a complete and utter failure, you almost wished you had just knocked Bakugo out at the start of the match.

"That was... horrible!" All Might was right and he should say it. You were so embarrassed you were red in the face. Bakugo looked enraged. "Can anyone elaborate on what they did wrong?"
     "They immediately alienated the other team and made it clear that negotiations would not work. This caused the villains to come up with a plan that didn't include making a compromise." Yaoyorozu was on the dot, as always.

"That is correct! They also refused to find a way to work together, instead opting to argue amongst themselves." You stayed quiet the entire time your class roasted you, afraid of crying in despair.

"Yeah, it was basically Bakugo's fault." Kaminari said. He shouldn't have.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He said it entirely to to quietly. It gave you a cold chill, despite being hot from the exercise.

"Now, Young Bakugo, don't take out your loss on someone else. Learn from it this time. That is what this class is for." All Might said. Bakugo stayed silent. You almost sighed in relief. Maybe he would take All Might's advice.

You didn't say a word as you watched the other teams, deftly negotiating a trade off that benefited both teams. You were jealous. You were so jealous. Bakugo leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, brooding in the corner. It didn't help that he would occasionally glare in your direction. He probably blamed you.

And what's worse is that after everything was over All Might asked to speak to you. Alone. You were immediately terrified. Would he scold you? Did he think it was your fault? You followed him out into the hallway.

"Young Ikeyuri, do you happen to know why I called you out here?" All Might turned around to look at you.

"Is it because I lost?" You asked.

"No, it's actually because we got a complaint about you." Your eyes grew wide. Why would someone complain about you? What had you done? You racked your brain.

"Me? Wha— why?"

"We got a call from a man you took a picture of on the bus. He said you were wearing the UA uniform. It was you, right?" Ooooh, oh no. When you forgot to turn your flash off on the bus. It would never stop haunting you, would it?

"Yeeeeah, it was me." You decided to admit it, since he already knew it was you. How did he know it was you?

"Why did you do it?" He peered down at you curiously.

"Well, before I became a student here I actually ran into him at the beach near my house, right? And he kind of scared me at first, although he seemed kind of nice. But I wanted to send a picture of him to my older brother to let him know I ran into him again, since I thought he would want to know?" You slowly explained why and All Might listened intently. He nodded in understanding.

"I see. Why didn't you just tell your brother you saw him again?"

"I was afraid he wouldn't believe me. I mean, he probably would, but I sometimes have a habit of mistaking people for... other people." You really hoped you weren't in too much trouble, especially after your performance in hero studies. Honestly, this was just the cherry on the top of your horribe, horrible day.

"Mmh, since I think you've learned your lesson I'm not going to punish you. But just for this once! I don't want you doing anything like that again." You nodded enthusiastically.

"I promise I won't, I'll even walk to school if I have to!" There was a pause in the conversation, as if All Might was taking his time figuring out what to say next.

"And Ikeyuri, you can always trust me, even with your secrets. Especially with your secrets! I mean, if you have something you need to tell me, about a burden on your shoulders? Or about your quirk? Then I am here!" You smiled. It was nice that he wanted you to trust him, even though you had no idea what he was talking about.

"Thanks, All Might. I'll be sure to remember that. Can I go now, or did you need to talk about something else?"

"No! You are free to go. And don't let your loss today get you down, you'll improve! You all will." He encouraged you. Man, having him as a teacher was so cool.

"Thanks, All Might! I'll try." You waved at him as you left and he waved back. Maybe the day wasn't so horrible after all.


All Might gave a sigh of relief as he deflated. He was standing in the nurses office, which was empty save him and Recovery Girl. Thankfully, nobody had been injured during the days class, even Young Midoriya managed to keep it together.

"See? I told you she had no idea who you were." Recovery Girl said.

"Yeah, you were right. I got kind of worried after she took that picture of me on the bus, but it seems she just remembered me from when we met on the beach." There was silence for a while.

"Do you still think she's the Avatar?" Recovery Girl asked as she looked up from what she was doing.

"I'm not sure. I tried to hint that she should tell me, but she brushed it off. She still hasn't bent any other element other than water. If she is, I don't think she knows." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Does she have to be? Why do you want to teach the Avatar so bad?" She asked. All Might sighed.

"AvaPaang was a close friend of mine. He told me his secret after he saved my life, I owe him."

     "I know that! You want her to be the Avatar. Why is that?" All Might thought about it for a moment.

"I think it's because she's become one of Midoriya's friends. I want him to know the Avatar." He was confident in his answer. It was comforting knowing someone had a burden similar to his back when they told each other, he wanted Midoriya to have the same feeling.

"Well, she certainly has a long way to go before she saves anyone. Did you see her today during that exercise?"

"Yes, I saw. Don't worry, we all messed up before we got better. She'll make it." He assured her. "She'll make it."


Author's note: I can't believe i made it to chapter twenty! This story is currently over 26,000 words! That's sick. I am ecstatic, honestly. Sorry that updates have been coming slower, I'm hoping I'll get into the writing grove soon. Thanks for reading! Peace out. ✌️

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