Chapter thirty-three

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    It was so relieving to finally be at home after such a long day. The car ride was suspiciously quiet, so you figured your family was afraid to say anything that might upset you. They would probably start asking a couple of questions in a day or two, but for now they stayed silent. You were secretly happy that they were, because this gave you time. Time to figure out if you were the Avatar, and how to tell them. 

     Some time after you got home you went into your room, and closed your door. Standing in the middle of the room you took a deep breath, trying to center yourself. Pau had actually taught you how to meditate years ago, so you used the slow breathing technique he had shown you. 

     Now, there was no way you were going to firebend in the house. You weren't that stupid. And since you were inside of the house, as opposed to outside of it, you couldn't earthbend. So you decided to try airbending. You had done it once already, so it probably wouldn't be too hard, right? You got into a stance similar to the one you had seen Pau use a million times, and began slowly waving your arms around. 

     And low and behold, the air in the room began to move. You could feel the gentle breeze. The posters on your wall waved at you, as if cheering you on. You could airbend.

     "Y/n," Gram knocked softly on your door, and you stopped bending to open the door and see what she wanted. "Come with me." 

You followed her as she led you downstairs and handed you your jacket. You raised your eyebrows as she put on her own. 

"Where are we going?" You asked as you also donned yours. It was nighttime outside, but it was also cloudless and the moon shone brighter than usual. 

"Fresh air blessed by the moon spirit is always good for you, and there's no better place to breathe it in than the beach." 

When you got to the beach you found that she was right, as always. The air was cold and crisp, and the waves gently lapped the shoreline. 

"Y/n, you remember the stories I told you about all of the spirits, right?" She asked you in a small voice. 

"Of course! I pray all the time, Gram. My favorite is the ocean spirit." 

"Yes, it always was. I'm glad. They will serve you well." She wrung her hands. You could tell she had something heavy on her mind. 

"I'm okay, Gram. You don't have to worry. I'm right here." You placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked out into the ocean. 

"Y/n, when you were really little, I made a promise to your mother. I didn't agree with her at the time, but now I see that she was right." You could see tears start to form in her eyes. "But now I'm afraid I may have to break that promise in an effort to keep you safe." 

At this point you began to get seriously worried. What if she was going to force you to leave UA? This seemed like a really serious promise, was it really worth it? Gram paused before finally looking you straight in the eye. She was crying, but you could tell that her mind was made up. Her resolve was unshakable. 

"Y/n, you're the Avatar." The world paused. You stared at her in disbelief. 

"You knew?" Your voice was a whisper. 

"How long have you known?" Her eyes widened in surprise. You couldn't blame her, you almost felt embarrassed at how long it took you to figure it out. 

"Today? I mean, I was dropped right in the middle of the fire zone! Water wasn't going very far there." She grasped your shoulders in relief. 

"Oh, thank the spirits! I didn't do it after all!" 

"Do what?" You asked. She took a moment to wipe away her tears before speaking. 

"Y/n, your mom was holding you in the hospital when the news broke that AvaPaang had died. He was a very beloved hero, even if the majority of people didn't know who he really was. Our religion isn't quite as popular as it was long ago, even some benders don't believe the Avatar exists. I was adamant that you were the next Avatar, but your mom got angry with me. She didn't want you growing up with a weight on your shoulders, and she didn't want you to get your hopes up. She made me promise not to tell you, or to even imply that you might be the Avatar. She made everyone agree to it." Gram's gaze returned to the ocean, as it always did. "She was right. As I've watched you grow older, I couldn't help but feel happy about not telling you. Eriko wanted you to find out on your own." 

You smiled. You're mother died when you were three, but her spirit never felt far away. You're family had suffered monumental loss, four members had all perished in the same villain attack. But you had persisted. You gave Gram a tight hug. It was like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. But it was placed on yours. 

"I'm genuinely proud of you, Y/n. I'm constantly amazed by your light." She pulled back and smiled. "Now we have to get back home. It's getting late, and Pau's going to be so excited that you finally know." 

"Wait, Pau knows?"


Author's note: the writer's block i had for this chapter was unreal, but i finally got it done! I'm so relieved, I'm ready to get back to writing a bunch. Also Gram's real first name is Nara, and I think that's so cute. Hope you enjoyed!

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