Chapter six

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"I have no idea where I'm going." You declared loudly. UA was absolutely ginormous, and you were bad at finding things. Namely your classroom. 

"I can help you, kero." A voice came from behind you and you gasped. It was that girl from the entrance exam! You had completely forgotten about her! 

"My savior!" You cried. "What class are you in?" 

"I'm in class 1A. Congrats on placing 5th by the way, kero." 

"Thanks! We're in the same class, so that's cool." You then realized she had someone else with her. "Who's your friend?" 

"Kaminari Denki! And who might you be?" He said cheekily. You liked the black lightning bolt going through his bright yellow hair. 

     "Ikeyuri y/n! I met Asui at the entrance exam!" 

"Call me Tsu." She told you and you nodded. "If Denki tries to flirt with you just tell him to bug off. He can be annoying about it, kero." 

"Betrayal! Of course I'm gonna flirt with her. She's cute." You almost dropped your bag. 

"Stop it, kero. You're making her uncomfortable." 

"How do you know? Ikeyuri, am I making you uncomfortable?" The three of you stopped in front of the 1A classroom door. It, like everything else at UA, was huge. 

"Honestly? It depends on your intentions." You answered. 

"He has bad ones." 

"Tsu!" Kaminari whined. "I do not!" 

The three of you entered into the classroom. It looked pretty standard, albeit nicer than any classroom you had ever been in before. The three of you had to split up to find seats, unfortunately, since some people were already there. You sat on the left side of the classroom, four rows back. You didn't want to be too close to the teacher. You wondered for a moment who it would be, probably a pro hero, right? 

You looked around the classroom, scoping out your classmates. Could one of them be the Avatar? You hoped so. You surveyed them as you waited. Two seats in front of you was a boy with spiky blonde hair. He was currently having an argument with another student about putting his feet on the desk. 

The other arguer was tall and had blue hair with glasses. He looked very professional, but also very rigid, like a school rule book became a person. That's when it hit you, that was the guy who caused a scene during the exam presentation! Well what do you know, maybe his questions paid off? 

You looked at the person beside you, finally. He had a bird head! That was so cool. Just imagine if he was the Avatar. That would rock. He stared blankly ahead, not even looking in your direction. 

You were about to continue your inner observations when there was a commotion at the front of the classroom. Students raced to there seats. The teacher had finally arrived. 

He looked homeless. Maybe he slept at the school or something? Wait, no. He clearly hadn't slept in a week. 

After he scolded his students for not shutting up fast enough he held up a school gym uniform, which he took out of his freaking sleeping bag, and told everyone to change into one. You squinted. That was weird, but you went with it. 

Afterward you all changed and gathered outside. You looked around. This didn't look like a school orientation, but what did you know? You had never been to UA before.

     "We're doing a quirk assessment test." Huh, blunt and to the point. 

     "A quirk assessment test!?!" Everyone yelled in surprise. One girl complained about missing orientation. 

     "If you really want to make the big leagues you can't waist time on pointless ceremonies." You wonder if he would say that to the principle's face if he were here. "Here at UA we're not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit." 

     Wait, this guy was a pro hero right? Who even was he? He looked vaguely familiar, but there was no way you would remember his hero name. 

     "You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives, but you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day the ministry of education will learn." You started to wonder where this was going, and why he hated the ministry of education so much. 

     "Bakugo," he referred to the blonde that sat two seats in front of you. "You managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball during junior high?" 

     "67 meters, I think." He must have pulled that number out of his ass, you didn't remember any of your scores of anything from junior high. 

     "Right. Try doing it with your quirk. Anything goes just stay in the circle. Go on. You're wasting our time." Wow, impatient huh? He can't throw if your talking. 

     Bakugo threw the ball, letting out an explosion. You wondered if it was fire bending, but you couldn't tell. 

     "All of you need to learn your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." He showed off the device that told how far Bakugo's throw went and everyone gasped. 

     "Whoa! 705.2 meters, are you kidding me?" Kaminari exclaimed. You had to agree, that was incredibly impressive. Other students began to express there excitement at the opportunity to use their quirks. 

     "So this looks like fun, huh? You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all going to be all games and play time? Idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately." Your eyes grew wide and your stomach dropped. You had worked so hard to get into UA. Would you really be expelled now? "Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand? If that's a problem you can head home right now." Tempting, not gonna lie. 

     "You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, that's not fair!" One girl stood up to him. You were tempted to cheer her on. 

     "Oh, and you think that natural disasters are? Or power hungry villains? Hm? Or catastrophic accidents that level entire cities? No. The world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness. If you want to be a pro you have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond. Plus Ultra style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here. Now then, we're just waiting time by talking. Let the games begin." 

     You took a deep breath and felt around for water in the air. If it was too dry you were screwed. Thankfully it had rained a couple of days ago, so it wasn't too bad. You also made a note of the field of grass nearby. If you played your cards right you had this in the bag. You couldn't allow yourself to lose. Your very future was at stake.


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