Chapter two

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You were standing in your battle center, dressed in a blue workout tank and Capri leggings. You were beginning to regret not bringing a jacket since you were hoping to work up a sweat. The more water the better for you. 

Present Mic's voice boomed across the battle center, letting you know the test was starting. You took one moment to take a deep breathe before taking off, splitting off from the large group as best as you could. After attaining the right stance you swung your arms around forcefully, pulling water from the air. Thankfully, the battle center didn't feel too dry, you figured that if they let it get too hot the broken city would get dusty. 

Soon you happened upon a two pointer. The robot wasn't too big, so you whipped the water you had bent around you, gaining speed before striking it on the chest. The water sliced through the metal easily, reminding you just how strong water was in battle. The robot powered down and you fled to find your next point. 

As you moved around the city you pulled water from whatever source you could find, crumbling a few weak walls and pillars that weren't holding anything up. You felt sorry for the people who had to maintain these training facilities. You hoped they were paid well. 

You happened upon another enemy and quickly impaled it with three spikes of ice, afterwards melting the frozen water and moving it into the robot to short circuit it before swiftly pulling it back out. You couldn't help but give yourself a wide smile since all of your training was finally beginning to pay off. You continued to race around the city taking on as many points as you could muster. 

"Wow! I'm actually doing good! Though, it kind of feels like this test should be harder?" You questioned to yourself after a minute of constant fighting. Then, as if the universe was answering your question, the ground started to shake as if an earthquake were occurring. You had to freeze your feet to the ground so you wouldn't fall over. Looking up you finally saw what was causing all of the commotion. 

     It was the zero pointer, and it was huge. It towered over you ominously, casting a large shadow over where you were standing. 

     "Oh shit!" You cursed in a singsong voice as your eyes grew wide. You melted the ice at your feet and turned to run in the opposite direction when you heard a call for help. Although your instincts told you to run away you dashed towards the person calling for help. How could you call yourself a hero if you didn't go to help whoever it was?

     The person calling for help was actually someone you recognized from your middle school. What was his name again? You never had too many friends back then since you were so focused on your water bending training. You were also incredibly absentminded. If you had ever known this boy's name, you didn't now. Not that it even mattered in that moment, because he was about to get squashed by a giant foot. 

     You quickly guided the water into ice pillars to try and prevent the foot from reaching the ground, but that wasn't the only thing in your way of saving the boy. Unfortunately he was also stuck underneath a sizable piece of rubble caused by the eruption of the giant monstrosity before you. Luckily you new exactly how to deal with that. As soon as you moved close enough to, you swiftly extracted the water, crumbling the debris so he could move. 

     "Hurry!" You shouted as the ice began to crack. Thankfully he listened to you and got out just in time. You sighed in relief before following him out of the danger zone. You stopped beside home and put your hands on your knees while taking deep breaths. 

"Are you okay? That was waaaay too close." You questioned the boy, finally able to see what he looked like up close. He had purple hair that was spiked up and dark circle under his eyes that made it look like he hadn't slept a day in his life. 

"I think I'm ok." He said quietly. Poor guy looked like he just had his life flash before his eyes.
"That's good. Hey, I think we went to the same..." you started to ask him if you went to the same middle school, but he just walked away as if you weren't even talking to him. You shrugged it off as him being in shock, since he almost just kicked the bucket. That's when Present Mic announced that the test was over, causing you to curse yourself inwardly. You should've gotten more points! Oh well, no use in dwelling on it now, especially since you would now have to take a written test. You groaned, even though you had studied really hard you still weren't sure if you would pass. It wasn't that you were dumb, you just made a lot of stupid mistakes. Ok, maybe you were dumb, but you still got good grades, right?

     As you stood among the various students taking the exam you looked around, studying them intently. These kids were the same age as you, which meant that any one of them could be the Avatar. It had been your goal since childhood to find them, the very reason you were attending the test trying to get into UA. The Avatar was supposed to be incredibly powerful, right? Where else on earth would you find them? And even if they weren't at UA, you were certain the skills you would learn there would be helpful to the current Avatar. 

     You were getting ahead of yourself though, you hadn't even made it unto UA yet. As you saw injured test takers walking towards the city exit, some were even injured slightly. You began healing various scrapes and bruises from them, receiving several thanks in return. You weren't paying too much attention as you did this though. 

     You could only think of your life goal of helping the Avatar.


Finding the Avatar: Water (Bnha x Avatar reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now