Chapter thirty-two

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You were corralled to the entrance along with Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki, while Midoriya and All Might were kept separate due to their injuries. It looked like Midoriya broke both of his legs in that last jump, meanwhile you were just shocked that you had actually bloodbended in order to move him out of danger. You wonder if he had noticed, hoping that he hadn't in the heat of the moment. It was your first time, and the fact that you had done it without the help of the full moon scared you. And it wasn't the only thing that scared. There was also the fact that you might be... you know. 

     The Avatar. 

     "Glad to see your okay." 

     "Tokoyami!" You turned around to find your feathered friend along with Ojiro. "I'm so happy to see you again! Did you succeed in helping our classmates?" 

     "I gave Ojiro a hand. Where is Midoriya?" 

     "They took him immediately. He broke both of his legs, but he's okay. He's with All Might." You wrung your hands. "It was crazy at the plaza, I think we all almost died." 

     "I'm sorry, I should have come with you." Tokoyami looked alarmed. 

     "No, don't-." You began, but the voice of Detective Tsukauchi interrupted you. 

     "We would like all students to move outside. We're getting ready to take you back to the main campus!" 

     "Alright, everyone! Please exit the building in an orderly fashion!" Iida immediately took charge on guiding everyone out the door, which was still completely ruined thanks to All Might. "Now that everyone has been accrued we can leave!" 

     "Who says 'accrued'?"  Kirishima asked. 

     "Hey, we need to take a headcount! Everyone stay still!" The detective got you all together in a big group and counted all of you. "Everyone seems to be unharmed except for that boy who's legs were all messed up." 

     "Ojiro!" Hagakure placed a gloved hand on his shoulder. "I heard you were a really good fighter. I had no idea you were so strong!" 

     "I didn't know I was the only one on my own until Tokoyami showed up. I survived using hit-and-run tactics. So where did you end up fighting, Hagakure?" Ojiro responded. 

     "The landslide zone! You wouldn't believe how strong Todoroki was. He's amazing!" She pointed at the frosty boy, and you realized he had been looking at you. He quickly averted his eyes. 

     "You don't say? Well, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt." Ojiro smiled at where Hagakure seemed to be. 

     "Aren't you wondering about moi? Where was my sparkling light?" Aoyama asked for everyone. Nobody seemed to care. Meanwhile another group was talking about how their fights went. 

     "Interesting. So the people you fought were also low-level thugs." Tokoyami said calmly. 

     "Yeah, they messed with the wrong kids, huh?" Kirishima loudly boasted about how awesome your group was. 

     "Did you miss me?" Aoyama said, still trying to grab everyone's attention. 

     "So All Might put that hole in the dome after all. I figured!" Sero said, inquiring about the fight at the plaza. 

     "That took some hardcore power." Satou stated. 

     "Yeah, it was crazy." Shouji said. He must have been watching from the entrance with the others. 

     "Where do you think I was?" Aoyama asked Tsu, who seemed annoyed. 

     "Um, where?" She finally caved in. It was almost as if sparkles flew around his head. 

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