Chapter seven

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     You separated a bit from the group before the tests began so you could steal water from the air, since you would need as much as you could get your hands on. You noticed a couple people watching you curiously, but now wasn't the time worry about your classmates. You could find the Avatar later. Right now you had to succeed. 

You waved your hands around more than once, each time pulling even more water from the air. You could always put it back after the exam, it would just feel a little dry. You heard a gasp from someone who was watching, but decided to ignore it. 

     The first test was the 50 meter dash. You had practiced traveling on ice, so you should be able to get a decent score, but probably not as good as some who's quirk was more suited for going fast. It turned out the glasses kid from earlier had engines in his calves as his quirk. He got the highest score and you congratulated him for it. He seemed nice enough. 

     When it was your turn you got to the end faster than the person who was running beside of you by sliding on your ice. 5.34, not bad. 

     "You did pretty good." She told you as you collected your water back around you again. You smiled. 

     "Thanks! Lots of practice." You both walked to the group who had already run as you introduced yourself. 

     "I'm Jirou Kyoka. What's your quirk exactly? Is it water control?" 

     "Basically, but I also have a minor healing ability!" 

     "That's cool." 

     Next was grip strength, which was tested by squeezing a handheld device. You didn't want to cause the device to malfunction with water so you just did your best. You managed 58 kilograms. One guy with multiple arms did 540, which was insane. You took a deep breath. 

     You used water to boost yourself during the long jump, clearing the sandbox you were jumping in. It was better than some others, one kid didn't even reach the measuring device. You winced. Now that you thought about it, that might have been the kid that sat at the desk in front of yours. He seemed nervous, and you felt bad for him. 

     You did ok during the repeated side steps, but it was nothing to write home about. At this point you thought you wouldn't place last unless you really messed up on something, but you didn't want to be overconfident. Still, a little voice gnawed at the back of your head saying you weren't good enough. 

      Next was the ball throw. When you threw the ball you also bent the water inside of it, since almost everything is made of water, making it go farther than it would have otherwise. It went farther than in junior high, so that was something, but it was no infinity like that one girl got. 

     After you it was that green-haired kid that wasn't doing so well's turn. Wow, he seemed stressed. You winced again, standing behind the guy with the engine quirk. He seemed worried too. 

     "If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home." 

     "Huh? Of course he is! He's a quirkless loser!" It was the blond kid who sat two seats in front of you. Oh yeah, his name was Bakugo. 

     "He has a quirk! Did you not here about what he did in the entrance exam?" He must have been in a different city than you were, because you didn't know either. 

     "Huh?" Bakugo seemed confused. You were too, but you didn't want to but into their conversation. 

     Midoriya threw the ball, very exaggeratedly, as if he expected it to go very far. It went 36 meters. You resisted the urge to sigh in disappointment. You had started to root for this person. Poor dude. 

Finding the Avatar: Water (Bnha x Avatar reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now