Chapter eighteen

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You followed Mina through the lunch line, trying not to fall over from exhaustion. You might have taken your "research" a little too far last night.
"Why are you so tired? The boys won't like you if you're falling asleep on them Y/n!" Mina scolded after she noticed you lagging behind. Jirou bumped into your back since she was following you through the line.
"What were you doing?" She asked. You grimaced at your poor decision making skills.
"I stayed up watching pro hero battles on YouTube."
"We've all been there, but you should have went to bed!" Mina turned around and gave you a pointed look.
"Yes, mom." You replied. She stuck out her tongue at you.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Bakugo asked as you sat at the table, across from him and to the left.
"I go to school here, Bakugo." You deadpanned. He scowled.
"That's not what I-? The fuck are doing at my table?"
"I invited her yesterday. Isn't that right, Y/n?" Mina sat down beside of you. You smiled and nodded victoriously.
"Ugh, I didn't even wanna have lunch with a bunch of fucking losers anyway, and now I have to sit with her?" You grimaced. You had dealt with bullies back in middle school and junior high. You were hoping UA would be different, guess not.
"Hey! Y/n is cool. She's the reason we won during hero studies!" Kirishima stood up for you, causing you to smile again.
"Yeah man, she even knocked Todoroki down when we sparred yesterday." Kaminari joined in. It seemed everyone had noticed, probably thanks to your reaction.
"Besides, we're not here to argue. I demand to know who you think the manliest hero is! I think it's Red Riot." Kirishima proudly declared his favorite pro hero.
"All Might, obviously." Bakugo immediately knew his answer, and so did you.
"AvaPaang!" You pumped your fist into the air.
"Pfft, AvaPaang?" It was like Bakugo was trying to ruin your mood.
"Dude, AvaPaang was super manly!" Kirishima affirmed your choice. "He had, like, four quirks."
"I think Hypnotix is cool, she's one of the AvaPaang heroes." Jirou said, which prompted Mina to give her a confused look.
"She's a stealth hero." Jirou answered.
"Oh, I like the flashy heroes better!" Mina exclaimed.
"Hey, I heard Midoriya talking about your brother earlier, he's a hero too, right?" Kaminari turned towards you and you nodded.
"Yeah, he works at the Ibis Hero Agency! He's not super popular, but he's getting there."
"Wow, that's amazing!" Kirishima said.
"What's his hero name?" Jirou asked.
"He goes by Fleetwind, because he has a wind quirk." You were always excited when you got to promote Pau, but of course someone had to ruin your happiness.
"He sounds lame." Bakugo muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear. It was the last straw.
"Excuse me? What is your problem?" You borderline shouted at him.
"Yeah, stop being so mean, Bakugo!" Mina came to your defense. She was a "ride or die" type of friend.
"My problem? My problem is that I have to sit with this fucking nerd!" He shouted back at you, completely ignoring Mina. You stood up.
"You wanna go?" You leaned over the table, trying to look intimidating. You probably failed, but at least you were trying. Someone had to knock Bakugo off of his pedestal.
"No fighting." Your homeroom teacher came from seemingly nowhere, holding a capri sun. The rest of the table seemed just as surprised as you did to see him in the cafeteria.
"Aizawa Sensei, what are you doing here? I thought you were taking a nap or something." Mina vocalized your collective confusion. Aizawa took a long sip from his capri sun.
"No fighting." He repeated himself.
"But-!" You began, but he cut you off.
"No buts. You're waisting my time." You stared at your teacher in disbelief before getting annoyed. You grabbed your lunch and left the table. Hopefully lunch would be over soon. Aizawa took another long sip from his drink before leaving.


"Okay newbies, listen up!" All Might spoke and your class quieted down. You were all already in your hero suits, ready for your next Hero Studies class. "Today we are going to be tackling a situation that most new pro heroes find difficult head on! We're going to be simulating a hostage situation."
Everyone began talking excitedly. You only caught bits and pieces of several conversations.
"That's right, and we're going to be in even bigger groups than last time. Five versus five!"
"Does this mean we will have more time during this exercise, sir?" Iida asked.
"Very astute, young Iida! It does. This will be a taxying forty minutes! Short for a normal situation such as this, but long for a class. Just like last time there will be a hero team and a villain team, but there's a twist!"
"A twist!" The class cried in surprise. You didn't, of course. You were really beginning to wonder about that hive mind theory.
"Yes! This time the hostage will be... one of the hero teammates!" There was a moment of stunned silence before everyone began asking questions at rapid speed.
"Sir, how will the hostage be chosen?"
"Will the hostage be able to escape?"
"Can we torture the hostage?"
"Calm down! And no, Bakugo. You can not torture the hostage!"
"Ugh," Bakugo grunted in response. You rolled your eyes at him. All Might cleared his throat and pulled out a notepad.
"Here's the premise. During a skirmish between both teams the villains managed to apprehend one of the heroes, and are now holding them hostage. There are four different outcomes for this exercise!" He began to slowly explain the challenge you all collectively faced.
"That seems like a lot. Won't this be too complicated?" Tsu presented a valid point. You silently cheered her on.
"Yes! Heroes face plenty of complicated missions with many different outcomes. Every choice you make on the field could mean life or death for someone else!" The thought weighed heavy on you. Hello anxiety. All Might began to elaborate on the different outcomes. "One, the villains return the hostage safely and are let go. In this case both teams sort of win even though the villains live to fight another day, seeing as the heroes main goal is to rescue the hostage."
"Two, the villains kill the hostage, but are apprehended. In this case both teams lose, even though the villains are caught. The hero team needs to prioritize the safety of the hostage, if they die they fail." All Might stayed silent for a moment to hammer the point home before continuing.
"Outcome three is the worst, where the villains kill the hostage and escape. The villains win and the heroes suffer from a complete loss. If you are the heroes, you must avoid this at all costs."
"Four is the best, but may be unachievable. It's where the hostage is rescued and the villains apprehended. The heroes win and the villains lose. Everyone will be given capture tape and the heroes and villains will actually be able to communicate with each other via a burner phone." All Might held up an old flip phone. It looked kind of like the one you had last year before Kawa got her job. "The hostage may not attempt an escape on their own, they have to wait for a teammate to rescue them. After they are set free then they may participate in the fight."
"This kind of sounds like the prisoner's dilemma." Yaoyorozu commented. All Might smile brightened, if that was even possible.
"Indeed it is! In the prisoner's dilemma there are many outcomes, some of which are a loss for both sides. This situation is no different!" Wow, All Might really put some thought into todays exercise. You almost wanted to applaud him.
"Sir, you still haven't revealed how the hostage will be chosen!" Iida waved his hand frantically in the air.
"Correct again, young Iida! I've been saving that detail for last, because... the hostage will be chosen by the villain team!" This prompted a gasp from you. The villains really did have every advantage on the heroes in these classes. A chill travelled down your spine. "Now, it's time to draw for each team!" The five members of each team were decided, and it was immediately clear to you that you were about to lose. Big time. You groaned loudly, protests on the tip of your tongue. You really needed to start lighting incense to the spirits every morning, since your luck was constantly failing you. What prompted such a dramatic reaction? You were on a team with Bakugo.


Author's note: this chapter is super dialogue heavy. Also i think the next chapter might take me a long time. I reeeeally wanted to get this chaoter out yesterday, because it was juneteenth and my birthday, but it just wasn't going to happen lol. I hope you enjoyed, please keep being awesome. ✌️

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