Chapter forty-nine

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     "I keep forgetting he can do that." You looked down at poor Sero, who was frozen in a large tower of ice with head poking out. The spike reached out of the arena and was higher than all of the seats. You had to crane your head to see the top of it. "Hey, they might need my help with this." 

"They might. We also need to go down there since our battle is next." Kaminari joined you looking at the spectacle. "Can't wait to prove my quirk's superiority." 

"Yeah, right." You laughed. 

     "Hey, are you guys leaving to get ready for your match?" Kirishima ran up to the two of you. 

     "Yep." You nodded. 

     "I'm rooting for you, Y/n! You're manlier than Kaminari." He gave you a thumbs up and you gave him one in return. 

     "Hey, no fair! Y/n's not even a man." Kaminari pouted and crossed his arms. 

     "I'm leaving you here." You threatened him and he straightened up. "Bye, Kiri." 

     "Good luck guys!" He waved you off. You walked side by side with your opponent. 

     "Hey, no hard feelings when I beat you, right? Hey, I might make the most of this! What if I can take you out on a date when I win?" 

     "You mean 'if' you win, right?" You raised an eyebrow at him. 

     "Nope, when. We both now it's gonna happen. So, what do you say?" He paused to give you time to think about it. You were kind of surprised, then again he had flirted with every girl in your class. 

     "Ok, I'll agree." You gave in. You could make the most of this situation too. 

     "Really?" He asked, a hopeful expression on his face. 

     "On one condition!" 

     "Anything!" He blurted out, then made a face when he realized you were smiling menacingly. "Wait, maybe...?" 

     "You're a simp, Denki." You declared. "I'll agree, but only if you don't blast me with your strongest lightning attack right out of the gate." 

     "Aw, come on! You want me to go easy on you?" 

     "No, I want to fight. Neither of us can do that if we're tripping on electricity. That includes you." You held out your pinky to another person. Because no matter how many times you got tricked, you still couldn't help but trust other people. Maybe it was one of your flaws, and maybe it wasn't. 

     "You know a pinky promise can't be broken, Y/n." He sighed before the two of you locked pinkies. "What a guy has to do for a date." 

     "It's your fault for being a simp!"


     "What's this? Ikeyuri Y/n from Class 1-A is helping the cleanup crew get rid of the water Todoroki left behind!" Present Mic announced to the bored crowd as you waterbended into buckets people brought out. "And look! Her opponent Kaminari Denki is even helping! How touching." He sounded as if he was wiping away a fake tear. Kaminari winked at you as you filled the bucket he was carrying. You rolled your eyes at him. 

"Wow, this is heavy. I think you filled it up too much." He struggled with the bucket. 

"Nope, I meant to do that." You winked at him playfully and he sighed again. 

"I already regret everything." He turned around and waddled away as you laughed. Cementoss came up behind you, fixing the concrete as he went. 

"Thanks for the help." He said tersely. He wasn't one for words, was he? 

"Oh, it's nothing." You assured him and he nodded. 

"You can go now. I've got the rest." He said. 

      "Are you sure?" He nodded and you left so he could take care of it. You didn't know what to do while waiting for your match so you just hung out around the entrance to the battlefield. Your nerves started to kick in again and you took a deep breath. It was almost time. 

"Are you nervous?" Kaminari joined you and leaned up against the entrance wall. "You know, I was kidding when I said I was gonna win, right? I'm kind of nervous too."

"Of course. I just... have a lot of weight on my shoulders right now, I guess. My family's in the audience." You sighed. He nodded. 

"Oh yeah, I know how you feel. Maybe we can talk about it more? When we go out on our date?" 

"Ha, sure. Whatever you say." The two of you waited in silence for a while until Kaminari finally spoke up. 

"Hey, we're being watched." He gestured down the other end of the hallway. You turned around to see Shinso's head peaking around the corner, then he disappeared. 

"Huh, that was weird?" You said confusedly. 

"Do you know him or something?" Kaminari asked. 

"Kind of? Not really though." You furrowed your brow. "At least I didn't think I did." 

"Hey look, they're signaling for us! I think it's finally time for our match!" They were indeed signaling for the two of you. Someone took Kaminari to the other entrance so you could exit out of opposite sides. "See ya in a bit, Y/n!" He waved at you as he walked away. You waved back. It was time. 

You felt like throwing up again.



Ok, but for realsies, it's time. I've also decided I am not giving myself a deadline for this next chapter, so I don't rush myself. Just please, bare with me. Love you guys.

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