Chapter forty-eight

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     "Hey sports fans! Are ya ready?" Present Mic called out from the sound booth. For once you weren't on the field, instead you were in the separate booth designated for you class. It felt nice. "After all the action you've already witnessed, it's time for the real battles to begin! Can ya feel the excitement? Our competitors are on their own now! Sometimes heroes have only themselves to rely on. Heart. Skill. Strength. Wisdom. Courage. They'll have to use all of these things to rise to the top!"

     "Wow, I'm super nervous. I bet Midoriya is having a time right now!" Mina said. She wasn't lying about being nervous either, she was currently biting her nails. You resisted the urge to rock back and forth in your seat. When the crowd cheered it was almost deafening and caused a ringing in your ears. And soon you would be on the stage, front and center. 

     "You guys aren't the only ones." You squeaked. Honestly, you were feeling kind of dizzy. 

     "Can you extras shut the fuck up?" Bakugo roared from the other side of the booth. "It doesn't even matter since I'm gonna win anyway." 

     "No, you shut up! Some of us are about to lose their lunch." You clutched your stomach and breathed. 

     "It's your fault for eating too fast, shit water! You should've went the fuck to lunch." You rolled your eyes at his antics. He knew good and well why you were late to lunch. 

     "She had to advance her enemies to lovers storyline!" Mina exclaimed into your ear. You would've retorted back but that was when Present Mic decided to speak up. 

"All right, audience, let's cut to the good stuff and not delay these finals any longer. Welcome our first fighters! Whoa, he looks kind of scared in that picture? It's Midoriya Izuku from the Hero Course," Izuku walked out into the arena with a determined look on his face. He looked better than what you thought you would. "Versus... Shinso Hitoshi from General Studies, who really hasn't done anything to stand out yet!" Shinso strolled into the arena. He looked tired. "The rules are simple. Immobilize your opponent or force them out of the ring! You can also win by getting the other person to cry uncle. Bring on the injuries cause we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! So put your morals aside and don't be afraid to play dirty. But of course, no life-threatening crap, folks. It's not allowed. Real heroes use their power to throw villains in jail, not kill them." 

     "I'll stop anyone who tries to get too rough." Cementoss commented from his spot over to the side. He made himself a chair out of cement, which was adorable, but you couldn't help but think about how uncomfortable it would be. 

"Ready? Begin!" Present Mic officially began the match. You leaned forward in your seat. It was a pity you remembered next to nothing about Shinso, you had no idea what his quirk was besides the fact that he somehow used it on Ojiro in the cavalry battle. Izuku looked kind of mad as Shinso said something. He must be taunting him. 

"Uh! I warned him not to say anything!" Ojiro suddenly jumped up from his seat in distress. You looked back to the battlefield and realized that Izuku had stopped moving completely. 

"Hey, hey, what's the dealio? This is the first match! It should start with a bang!" Present Mic said as several classmates stood up to get a better look. "The fight has just begun and Midoriya Izuku is completely frozen?" 

"Oh! He has a mind control quirk!" You blurted out in realization. 

"Come on, Deku?" Ochako called out. She looked down at the arena with worry on her features. 

"He's not moving a muscle! And what's with that look on his face? Could this be a quirk at work? Shinso seems to have Midoriya completely stunned!" Present Mic's voice was somehow louder than the audience. "He didn't stand out in the first rounds at all, but it's possible Shinso's crazy powerful! Who could've imagined this turn of events? That's the festival for ya!" 

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