Chapter fourteen

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     You rushed out of the house quickly the next day because you had woken up late, grabbing a granola bar on your way out the door. Unfortunately nobody else in your house was free to drive you so you had to ride the bus. It was kind of crowded, but you were at least able to find a seat. You messed around on your phone in boredom. 

About a quarter of the way into your ride someone else got onto the bus that you recognized, but not in a good way. Oh my god, you thought. It's the h o m e l e s s g u y f r o m t h e b e a c h. What were the odds. You quickly exited out of whatever you were doing on your phone. You had to tell Pau. 

But was it enough to just tell him? Would he even believe you? No, you decided. You needed to send him a picture. You opened snapchat. The man was sitting across from you and to the right. You didn't think he noticed you, thank the spirits. You lifted your phone up, pretending to take a selfie. You even threw up a peace sign for good measure. You hit the capture button. 

Oh no. God no. This was bad. If the man didn't realize you were on the bus before, he did now. Because you had done the stupidest think imaginable. You had the left the flash on. 

I'll never live this down, you thought while sinking slowly into your seat. Why were you so stupid? The world may never know. 

Meanwhile the homeless man looked like he was having an existential crisis on the other side of the bus. Maybe now he felt the fear you did on that beach. 

     When your stop came you almost stayed on the bus because the beach man was getting off too. Where was he going? You prayed to the spirits that he wouldn't talk to you, and thanked them when he didn't. 

     When you got to UA the gate was surrounded with news reporters bothering students about All Might. Today just wasn't your day. Thankfully Aizawa Sensei was there to push them back, miraculously without his sleeping bag. You felt like his efforts might be more effective with it though, if your class was anything to go by. 

     "All Might's not on campus today. Now get out of here, you've disturbed my students enough already." He reprimanded the news crews, who afterward complained. 

     You continued on to class, rushing but not running down the halls so as to not be late. Not that it would matter since Aizawa was busy at the moment. You took your seat behind Midoriya. 

     "Hey, did you check out my brother like you said you would?" You asked him. He turned around to face you. 

     "Yes I did! I actually have some questions about him. If you could answer them, that is." He seemed embarrassed, like always, but you were getting used to it. 

     "How about I just introduce you two so you can ask him yourself? You're welcome to my house anytime!" 

     "Oh! You would really do that for me? Are you sure?" He acted as if nobody had invited him to their house before, it almost looked like he was emotional. 

     "Of course I'm sure? We're friends, Midoriya. It's cool. Besides, maybe we could do some homework together." Okay, he was definitely emotional. Bless this cinnamon roll.\ 

     Soon class finally started, after Aizawa finally rolled into class. He still looked like he hadn't slept since the day he was born. 

     "Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams results. Bakugo, you're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss, ok." 

     "Yeah, whatever." He still seemed a little upset, but you couldn't blame him. Poor guy needed some emotional help. 

     "And Midoriya, I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old." Midoriya twitched in his seat and looked down. "You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency, huh?" Midoriya perked up, happy again. 

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