Chapter thirty-five

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You found yourself in the mystical forest from before, but this time you were on your back. You looked up at the dense foliage that swallowed up the dark sky, staying still. We're you dreaming again? For once you felt completely calm. Then someone peered down at you from above. 

"May I ask what you are doing?" The old man from before was back. You gave him a shrug. 

"I'm not sure. I just woke up here." You said. "Again." 

"Have you figured out where you are yet?" He asked. You thought about it for a moment. Was this dream? It felt too real. The grass prickled your skin and the smell of honeysuckle drifted through the air. But if this wasn't a dream, then where were you? 

"I'm in the Spirit World!" You shot up in surprise. The man gave a loud hearty laugh at your reaction. 

"It's nice to finally be able to meet you, Avatar Y/n. My name is Iroh, though I've been here for so long that sometimes it's hard to remember." 

You stood up uncertainly and looked around. 

"So you're a spirit?" You asked Iroh. He furrowed his brow. 

"Of sorts. I used to be alive. Not that I live any differently here." He said. "I can still make a good cup of tea. That's what matters."

"You have tea in the Spirit World?" You asked, amazed. 

"Yes. And it's very tasty!" He answered enthusiastically. "I make tea for people here all the time, including many of your past lives, and they all have their own favorite." 

"You mean I can meet the past Avatars?" You screeched, which caused Iroh to laugh again. 

"Of course! There are many people who have decided to move on to the Spirit World, and many, many spirits. I would say it's just as lively here as in your world!" 

All of the sudden your senses got fuzzy, and it was hard to breathe. Iroh sighed when he noticed. 

"It looks like it's time for you to leave. And here I was hoping we could have a party." He said. "Keep your wits about you, Y/n. You have a long journey ahead of you."

And then you woke up. Every single day since the USJ Incident it became more real to you. All weekend you had practiced using the elements you never had before. The first time Kawa saw you firebend she dropped her teacup and it shattered across the ground. Pau spent practically all day yesterday trying to teach you the air scooter, but you kept falling off. He got a real kick out of it. You still hadn't done any earthbending yet, but you were certain you would get there. How ironic it was that you got the rest of the week off to rest but you spent it working. 

Now it was Monday, and you had to go to school. You sighed. Now you really wanted tea.


"You guys! Did you watch the news last night? It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time!" Hagakure said as your class talked before your teacher arrived, whoever that was gonna be. "Though I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the background." 

"Probably not." Shoji said bluntly. Ojiro made a surprised noise before covering up for him. 

"It is difficult to stand out when you're just gloves." He said. You snickered. 

"We're totally big deals. Those news channels loves us, we're basically celebrities." Kaminari bragged. You sat sideways in your chair, having fun listening to your classmates. 

"Yeah, it's kinda crazy, right?" Kirishima agreed. 

"Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked, and that's what they care about." Jirou snapped. She was probably right. 

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