Chapter eight

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     When you walked through the door you heard arguing coming from the kitchen. Bits and pieces of the conversation floated through the air as you went to see what was going on. 

     "-at least one!" You automatically recognized Pau's voice. 

     "—we try——never—— us. — needs—figure it out——." Gram spoke quieter, but you still knew it was her. 

     "Let me tell her. Please. I know I can convince her if you let me try!" 

     "Please tell me your talking about not letting Kawa bring home more houseplants." You sniffed. "Someone has to save me from allergy hell." 

     "Language," Pau gave you a pointed look. Let it never be said you didn't know how to break up an argument.

     "How was your first day of UA?" Gram asked. "Did you find the Avatar?" 

     "No. I was too busy surviving." You said dramatically. "I got the worst home room teacher! Instead of doing orientation we did some quirk assessment test." 

     "Was there a scoreboard? How high did you place?" Pau asked. 

     "I got fifteenth! At the beginning of the test the teacher, who is Eraserhead by the way, said whoever came in last got expelled, but he said it was a "rational deception" after he showed us our scores." 

     "Your teacher is Eraserhead? That's cool." 

     "Not cool. All he does is talk about how we're waiting his time." Gram poured a cup of tea and handed it to you. She poured Pau a cup too. "He also looks like a homeless man and brings a giant, yellow sleeping bag to class." 

     "Ok, now your shitting me." 

     "Language." You scolded him before taking a sip of your tea. "I promise that I'm not." 

     "Wait, did he look like the homeless man from the beach?" 

     "No, but at this point I'm not sure I would be surprised if he did work at UA." 

     "What homeless man?" Gram finally took part in the conversation. 

     "After the entrance exam, when I left to go get her from the beach. She was talking to some homeless dude, like an idiot." 

     "I was not talking to him! I was trying to find a way out of the conversation!" 

     "Then why did you turn around when he asked you a question?" 

     "He had a kind voice, Pau!" 

     "Okay, enough about the homeless man." Gram came to your rescue. "Stop talking to strangers." She pointed at you and you rolled your eyes. "Do you have any homework?" 

      "I just have to read the syllabus I got." You had left your bag on the floor in front of the front door, which was where said syllabus was. 

"Okay, go read it while I start supper."

"Where's Kawa?" 

"She picking up a couple things on her way home from work. She'll be here soon. Now go." Gram gently pushed you towards the doorway. 

"Ok, I'm going!" You left to grab your backpack and go to your room, leaving Gram and Pau in the kitchen together. You hoped they wouldn't resume whatever disagreement they were having when you arrived.


     All Might entered an empty room at UA quietly, hoping to get away from everyone. He had just finished his meeting with Principle Nezu about his plans for his first hero course class, which would take place tomorrow. He was about to leave, but he had one more thing to do before he forgot completely. He had to call a friend. 

     "Yes, it has been a while. Hey, listen. I wanted to tell you something before the press did. — I'm teaching now. At UA. — Yeah, this year. — It's about time. — Yes! Well, actually, I've already found one. — Yes, he has one for all." There was a pause in the conversation, as if both parties were waiting for the other to say something unspoken. The person on the other end of the phone said something. 

"The Avatar? Yes, I am. — No, but I have my suspicions. There's a water bender. Talented. Possibly a master? — Yes, it does sound promising. I'm going to keep an eye on them since I'll be teaching their hero classes. —— You're welcome. — Yes, I have to go too. I have some work to do at home before I teach my first class tomorrow. Don't work too hard. — Yes, I know you will. I'll talk to you later. — Yes, goodbye old friend." 

He hung up the phone and stood in silence for a moment. Memories flooded his brain, ones of a friend long gone. He let out a deep sigh. Loosing someone important never got easier, just more manageable. He finally buried his phone in his pocket and left the room. He had work to do.

Finding the Avatar: Water (Bnha x Avatar reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now