twenty six

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Joselyn Myers

The loud, obnoxious noise of someone's phone ringing made me let out an annoyed groan. It seemed to only wake me up, because I looked down to see Harry still passed out on top of me. His head was using my stomach as a pillow and his mouth was slightly hung open, letting out soft exhales of breath onto my skin. If I wasn't so focused on making the ringing stop, I would've taken some extra time to admire his sleeping beauty and play with his messy hair.

As best as I could without waking Harry up, I extended my arm out to the side table next to his bed to see the source of the noise. I grabbed the phone, immediately realizing it was not mine, but Harry's, and I honestly debated on just chucking the phone across the room.

I turned off the ringer but didn't decline the call yet, letting out another quiet groan, before deciding to just let it go to voicemail. Still being half asleep, I let the phone drop onto my chest and let myself begin to fall back asleep.

I couldn't even tell how long it had been, but it seemed like seconds later my body jolted again from the vibration of the phone against my chest. I picked it up with an whine, seeing it was the same person that called before, but now I was annoyed.

"Harryyy." I groggily spoke, using my hand to shake against his shoulder to wake him up.

"Hmm" I heard him hum in response but I kept my eyes shut, just wishing I was back asleep.

"Your phone keeps ringing." I managed to get the words out through my thick morning voice, shaking his shoulder again just to ensure he heard me.

"What?" I felt his face lift off my stomach, just as the phone vibrated again to make me jump in fear.

"Ugh take it, make it stop!" Now I was whining like a child, tossing the phone against Harry's chest as best as I could considering I still had my eyes shut.

"Shit..." I heard him curse under his breath along with more shuffling from beside me. "Hello?" He finally answered, but returned to his previous sleeping position on my stomach.

I tried to ignore whatever conversation he was having, only catching some of what Harry was saying since I was still half asleep. It was hard to not focus on the phone call though considering I was laying right next to him.

"Really? Who did they say?" Harry's voice raised a bit and it seemed that whatever the person on the other line was saying must have woken him up more. " I don't recognize that name. Hold on, let me ask Joselyn." He paused and I felt the gentle touch of his hand run up my arm. "Baby..." His soft voice came out in a delicate whisper, and I couldn't help but hum back in response with a small smile on my face.

"Harry?" I responded back in a whisper, trying to match his tone. Before he said anything else I heard him chuckle at what seemed like the drunken state I was in from just being woken up.

"I just wanna ask you one quick question, then you can go back to sleep okay?" He continued to rub my arm, creating a soothing feeling on my skin, and I sleepily nodded back to let him know I was listening. "Do you recognize the name Darren Hart?" And just like that, my eyes shot open in a panic.

My whole body tensed up at the mention of that horrid name, a name I thought I'd never hear come from Harry's mouth. I hadn't even noticed but my breathing picked up when I sat up in such a rush I don't even remember doing it.

"H-how do you know that n-name?" I sputtered out as my hand flew to my heart to try and steady my breathing. I didn't even notice but Harry had wrapped his arm around my back after I sat up.

"Jeff is saying that's the name of the person who told the photographers about you getting fired and that you'd be at In N' Out. By the way you're reacting I feel like you know him, you look like you've seen a ghost." His tone had turned to worry as he placed his phone down on the bed next to us, making sure to press the speaker button. "Joselyn?" He spoke again, this time leaning forward to force my gaze to meet his eyes.

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