thirty eight

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Joselyn Myers

It felt so good being back in LA. Not that I don't love going home to Michigan to visit my family, but LA has easily taken a very close second to feeling just as much like my home. Along with all the shit that happened while we were in Michigan, being back just felt like a nice breath of fresh air.

Yesterday Harry and I spent most of the day out with Farrah and Gianna for our last day there. They both insisted that we should go ice skating, something about making up for the idiot boy who turned down Farrah's date to go and since then she hadn't been able to stop thinking about going.

It was quite entertaining to see us all struggle for the first half hour of getting to keep balanced on the ice, but it was still so fun. Harry and I even did the cliché holding hands while we did laps around the rink, and it made my heart absolutely melt. But of course the day didn't end without me falling flat on my ass, and Harry getting a good laugh out of it.

After that, we all went out to dinner at some average restaurant that had just about any food you could think of. Of course Harry insisted on paying for all of our meals, much to my disapproval, but he quite literally swiped the check away from me once it was put on the table. I made up for it though by beating him to it when we went out for dessert afterwards.

Now, with each of us carrying my luggage from Harry's Range Rover, we were making our way down the halls of my apartment building. I was a bit shocked when the car that Harry had waiting for us was a brand new Range Rove similar to the one from the crash. But Harry then informed me that he had bought a new one just before we left for Paris and requested it to be waiting for us at the airport when we landed back in LA today.

"You good?" I turned around once I reached the door to my apartment, seeing Harry dragging one of my big suitcases behind him and a smaller bag of mine draped over his shoulder with a look of slight exhaustion.

"Yep, all good. I can't wait to lay down though." He admitted with a small chuckle as he stood beside me to wait while I unlocked the door.

"Me too." I didn't hesitate to agree, finally getting the door unlocked and pushing it open. I grabbed the handle of my other suitcase and stepped through the door, feeling a refreshing wave of comfort wash over me from being back in my apartment.

"There's my favorite couple!" I jumped slightly at the booming sound of Frank's voice emerging from the living room with open arms. "Don't tell Laura and Hunter." He jokingly whispered in my ear once he pulled me in for a big hug.

"Hey, I wasn't exactly expecting you to be here but hi." I chuckled into his chest, wrapping my free arm around his middle to return his embrace.

"Yeah well, I figured I'd wait around to welcome you home after taking care of Missy this morning." He gave me a quick explanation of his presence, then quickly pulled away from me to flash a big smile in Harry's direction. "Harry! Hey man!" I watched him meet Harry halfway to give him a hug as well, which Harry happily returned.

"Nice to see you again Frank." Harry let go of the handle to my suitcase and gave Frank a few pats on the back before pulling apart.

"So tell me really, how was meeting the family?" Frank quickly asked Harry, and I couldn't help but turn to him, curious to know what he'd say.

"It was nice honestly, I feel like I've been accepted as the new boyfriend." Harry gave me a cheeky smile as he spoke, lightly nudging against my shoulder with the arm that didn't still have my bag over it.

"Oh yeah? Owen didn't scare you off?" Harry opened his mouth to respond, but Frank beat him to it by raising his voice again. "Wait a minute! Better yet, how'd the twins act? Because every time I've seen them they basically attach themselves to my hip." Frank let out a sarcastic scoff, looking to me with a knowing look.

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