twenty five

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Joselyn Myers

It was weird being here at Harry's house, only because I was here by myself. Well, technically Missy is here too.

He was at the studio for The Late Late show, recording a crosswalk concert, but I decided not to go with him even though he graciously invited me. I didn't want to disturb him while he was working, and I really just wanted some time to clear my head after everything that's been going on.

Yesterday, Harry and I spent the majority of the day just hanging out in my apartment. We watched two movies, I made us dinner, and we even played a few games of Scrabble once we got on the topic of how how competitive we both are. It was nice just having a relaxing day like that with him.

Of course we did talk about the run in with the paparazzi some more just to get it out of the way. I told him exactly what happened, and he called his manager, Jeff, to tell him he wanted to sue the company that sent the photographers. Then when he got in contact with his lawyer directly, he told him that he wanted them to look into how they got the tip on my location and that I was fired so soon after it happening. It was a bit strange, and made me feel a little uncomfortable once I really stopped to think about it.

Harry made it very clear that he would do everything he could to make sure I was safe and nothing like that happened again. It made me feel so cared for, that he was going to such efforts to do so.

Yesterday when he mentioned how he had to go to The Late Late show today, he was completely understanding that I didn't want to come with him.
That's when he offered to give me a key to his house so I could come here to water the garden since he knew it always eased my mind.

I was hesitant at first just because I didn't know if it'd be weird being here by myself, but now that I'm here, it really is nice to be by myself and clear my head with the big space of his home. Harry also pretty much insisted, because he said it'd be really nice to come home and have me waiting there for him. That definitely made my heart swell, especially when he peppered light kisses all over my face to persuade me more.

So now here I was, laying comfortably on the couch in his sun room with Missy fast asleep on my lap just basking in the peacefulness that this room always seems to bring me. I already took about an hour to water the garden, and admiring how much it's grown since we planted it almost a month ago.

It felt so strange that the car accident was only that short of a time ago. Harry and I had become so close in such little time, it was surreal almost. So much has happened since then, it felt like so much longer.

Glancing over at the clock above the door frame, I saw that it was almost 6, and from the orange glow around me I knew the sun was setting, which gave me something else to do until Harry got home a little later. Trying my best not to scare her, I ran my hand over Missy's body, causing her to stretch her back from waking up. I chuckled at her, slowly scooping her up into my arms as I stood up from the couch so I could open the screen door to the backyard.

"You wanna watch the sunset with Mommy?" I cooed to the clueless cat, earning a tired meow in response. I shook my head, looking down as she simply curled herself comfortably in my arms so I was carrying her like a baby. I always loved that she was one of those cats that liked being held, even in her older days being 10 years old, she still didn't care.

Once I turned the corner where the patio and garden was, I took a seat on the grass next to the garden, letting Missy adjust herself on my lap. I had the perfect view of the beach behind the house, and that made the sunset that much more beautiful. The mix of orange, red, and yellow reflected off the water perfectly and I couldn't even begin to describe how gorgeous this view was.

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