thirty two

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Harry Styles

When I felt Joselyn's body shuffling next to me, I forced my attention away from the book I was reading to look down at her still fast asleep. The smile that crept up on my face was inevitable, especially since she had her arm hooked around mine and her head was rested on my shoulder. Even being cramped next to each other in the seats on an airplane, she still managed to cuddle as close to me as possible, but I certainly wasn't complaining. She looked so comfortable like this, and I wasn't going to disturb her peace.

Carefully, I set my book on the small tabletop at my seat, then moved my now free hand to rest against her hand still looped around my own. We had been on the plane on our way to Paris for about 9 hours now, so it wouldn't be much longer until we landed. It's been a long ride for sure, but I was able to fall asleep for a little bit myself, although it wasn't for that long.

Joselyn passed out pretty soon after the start of the flight and hasn't woken up since. Other than shuffling slightly every now and then, you'd think she was in some kind of hyper sleep or something. But I knew she was exhausted from the day she had, with going to Blair's and then dealing with the long drive to the airport with Hunter and Frank, she said her head felt like it was going to explode.

She pretty much explained the whole interaction at Blair's house to Jeff and I when we boarded the plane. It made me feel a lot better knowing that Blair wasn't involved, and I was even more shocked when Joselyn told us she didn't really care for Darren either, which I'm honestly grateful about because she could be helpful to us if we needed any witnesses for his case in the future.

After talking about it for the first hour of the flight, Jeff excused himself to make some calls and left Joselyn and I to talk by ourselves. I could immediately tell that she was keeping a smile on her face simply because we were around other people, being that we were on a public flight even if we were in first class. She was overwhelmed, that much was for sure, and when she told me about how honest she really was with Blair, I knew she was keeping things just between her and I rather than sharing it while Jeff was with us.

Knowing that she almost broke down again made my heart break, and I wished even more that I was with her today. Even though she claims she was strong and able to keep herself collected because she used her anger to overpower the sadness, it still didn't make me feel good that Darren still affected her so much. It just made my desire to make him pay for everything he's done to her even stronger.

When she finished rambling on about everything she was feeling, I could tell she was tired, and not just from the soon to be time difference, but just from everything. Her mind took on a lot today, and she needed some time to rest, so I let her get comfortable on my shoulder, and almost instantly she was out like a light.

I hoped with everything in me that the next few days with her would help get her mind off of everything going on with Darren. She deserved a break from it, and I was going to make sure she had an amazing experience. Not to mention, I was pretty excited myself to be meeting her family in a few days. It was so important to me that she was allowing me to be apart of such a special day, I only hoped she knew how much it meant to me.

"Hmm, Harry." I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard the sweet sound of Joselyn's soft morning voice. "Are we there yet?" Her tone was slightly whiny, but I couldn't help but chuckle at the cute sounds she was making while arching her back off the seat slightly and stretching her limbs.

"Not quite darling, just a little longer though." I quietly replied back, as to not disturb anyone around us. She simply whined, keeping her eyes closed while she carelessly took hold of my forearm that she was previously hooked onto, and lifted it over her head so it was wrapped around her back. It felt like my heart could literally burst at how adorable she was, especially since she was still half asleep, it made everything she did even cuter.

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