forty nine

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Joselyn Myers

"Okay, if you're not ready to play the role of the badass ex-girlfriend who became a bad bitch after the breakup, then I don't know what would make it." The chipper voice of Laura sounded through my phone from its place of being propped up against a stack of books on my desk. I just finished showing off my outfit for the trial today, all while rambling about how nervous I was that the time has actually come.

Darren might be going to jail today.

"As much as I look great, I feel awful—I might actually vomit Laura, I'm so stressed and I don't even know why!" I snatched my phone off the desk, rubbing one hand over my face as to not mess up the carefully neat waves I added to them earlier before I left work by knotting my finger through my hair in stress. Thankfully Patricia let me take the day off after I got there and explained the situation to her, since my stupid brain forgot to mention at any other point during the two days prior to today that I had to do it.

It was only 11 am, the trial didn't start until 1, but I was freaking the fuck out. And Laura has had to spend her entire lunch break listening to me rant about it. I don't even think a professionally trained therapist would understand what I've been trying to explain to her for the past half hour.

It felt like the day of my interview at the flower shop all over again. Up until this morning, I was completely fine—I wasn't worried at all about this stupid trial because I was solid on the fact that I wanted nothing more than to see Darren pay for his horrible actions. After Harry left on Monday morning, everything proceeded as usual—I went to work and had a good time, Harry and I texted and called throughout the two days when we were both awake due to the time difference, Frank and I are adjusting perfectly to living together, and I even spent the day yesterday with Hailey to get some dinner just to catch up and discuss plenty of possible outcomes of today's events.

But mind is spiraling.

"Josie, you've got to calm down alright? You have no reason to be stressed, whatever happens today is for good reason. We've been over this babe, none of this is your fault, and Darren deserves to go to hell for acting so horribly to you—three years ago and a month ago, so just be grateful that everything is finally coming to an end. You, Harry, and even Hailey deserve peace at the end of this tunnel, so keep your chin up and don't let yourself get stressed over nothing." Watching Laura's face soften with every word, yet keep a firm tone in the background of her speech was very much reassuring. It was what I needed to hear, I know, and hopefully as the day goes on the stress will start to dwindle down. "And remember that you're not alone in this Jos, Jeff, Hailey, and Blair will all be there with you today—plus everyone else who loves you is in your corner through this. You're so strong for being there today, you hear me?"

A small smile crept up on my lips at her uplifting speech, slowly nodding once I flicked my eyes up to look at her face through the screen. "Yeah...yeah I hear you Laura—everything. Thank you." Everything in me wanted nothing more than to reach through my phone and give her a hug, but I just had to wait until I saw her later to do so. Whether it be a hug of relief and happiness, or a hug of disappointment and fear, only time will tell.

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Now you go kill it out there, this is a very exciting day! No more leechy ex-boyfriends after today! Well, for you at least." She lightly chuckled, causing me to do the same, something I really needed to get my head out of my own ass.

"Alright, thank you again for helping me pick an outfit, I'm gonna go cuddle Missy while I wait for Jeff to pick me up." Her hands lifted up to form the shape of a heart, my cheeks hurting from how wide I smiled at the gesture.

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