fifty one

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Joselyn Myers

1 week later

" you even realize that you've just broken the entire internet?" I continued to smile into the phone at the stunned sound of Gianna's voice repeating the same thing for the 5th time at least in the past 10 minutes. Farrah had been doing the same thing as well every time Gianna wasn't speaking, I was just listening to them go back and forth freaking out to each other.

"You know what, hearing it for the 87th time, I think I finally realize it." I sarcastically replied with a shit-eating grin plastered on my face even though they couldn't see it. All I heard were groans of annoyance in response.

"Oh my god you're annoying!" Farrah shouted back once they stopped huffing and groaning.

"Seriously, I know he's your boyfriend and all and it's not weird for you when stuff like this happens—don't get me wrong we're chill with it too now, but seriously this is huge!" Gianna put more emphasis on her words than before, making me imagine she was using hand gestures to go along with her words now.

"Yeah, Harry Styles has like...never directly posted about anyone he's seeing at the time, and all of a sudden he's just casually posting a picture of you two like it's no big deal! I mean the internet is freaking out, the picture already has 12 million likes and it's only been up for a few hours." I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Farrah explain again the situation, and reason for them calling me in the first place.

Yes, Harry made a post on instagram with some pictures over the last few weeks to wish everyone happy holidays, and yes, I happened to be in one of them, and yes, the caption he put on it was, "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Hug the ones you love extra tight this season. All the love, H." But it's fine, I don't see it as anything to freak out over, no big's totally okay and good. Totally.

And yes, am I putting up a nonchalant front up for the twins' sake...damn right.

This morning when Harry asked if it was okay that he added a picture of us into his holiday post, my palms got so clammy it didn't even feel like we had been sitting in the cold London air on the back porch of his mother's house—my body heated up as if I was sitting right under the sun on the beaches of Miami. I didn't know how to react at first, because honestly it did seem like a big deal, and I was so thankful that Harry was aware of that himself and asked if it was okay with me first.

I know I'm growing more used to being known in the public eye as time goes on, but realistically it doesn't happen overnight, so I'm still adjusting and have my moments of feeling like I'm under some unspoken interrogation light. But if I'm honest, having my sisters call me to freak out over it honestly just made the situation a little bit laughable to me, so now I wasn't too worried anymore.

"Alright calm down okay, I get it, it's a big deal—don't make it weird." I cut off the discussion with a small chuckle, just wanting to get back to what I was doing before I got the call from Gianna.

I heard another sigh, only making my smile widen even more. "Fiiiine, we'll let you get back to your fancy London getaway—but don't forget about us alright. It doesn't hurt to hear from our big sis every once and a while." I could practically see Farrah smirking through the phone just by the tone of her voice, making my eyes roll back.

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm stuck with you to the end." I teased, earning a laugh from each of them.

"You know it sissy, we'll talk to you later. Love you!" They both bid their goodbyes and I did the same, ending the phone call with all three of us making kissing noises into the phone just for added effect.

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