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Joselyn Myers

I was very frantic at the moment.

"For fucks sake!" I tossed another shirt behind me, not even caring if it landed on my bed or not. That was at least the tenth shirt I tried on to go over the plain black tank top I was dead set on wearing underneath of whatever I picked to go over it, but nothing was working.

My interview at the flower shop was today and I had to look perfect. Patricia said there was no need to dress up in any fancy attire, and that I can just come in my casual attire. It was like I couldn't get those two words out of my head, and everything I tried on was either too casual or not casual enough for my liking. Maybe I shouldn't wear jeans I'm leaving the jeans on.

I haven't been this stressed about what to wear in who knows how long. At my old job it was easy, business casual, plain and simple for an office job, but now that I was given somewhat of a free range I was losing my mind. I wanted this job so bad and I had to make a good impression, especially knowing how picky Patricia and her husband, whose name I learned was Tony, have been about hiring someone new since their daughter's passing.

With my hands in my hair, I scanned over the tops hanging up in my closet for what felt like the hundredth time, this time landing on the sleeve of a maroon, plaid flannel. A flannel...yes! Without hesitation, I jumped up from the floor and practically pulled the whole rack down with how hard I ripped the flannel off of the hanger. Please let this one feel right.

I tossed the hanger aimlessly behind me, slipping my arms through the slightly baggy sleeves, leaving the buttons undone so the black tank top was still visible. I nervously paused to catch my breath as I looked down my body to the fresh material that adorned my torso, then slowly lifted my head to look over at my reflection in the mirror above my vanity.

"Okay..." I mumbled quietly to myself as I smoothed my hands over the fabric, turning my body around to get a full view of the outfit. "Yes...yes, I like this!" With my hands on my hips, I gave myself one last look over the completed outfit, and I was finally satisfied with this outfit. Even if it was just a simple flannel, I don't really care, for some reason this felt right—you're kidding me.

My eyes stopped once they caught sight of a very noticeable hole on the right side of the flannel, surrounded by a bunch of frayed string and rips. You've seriously got to be kidding me...I can't fucking wear this with a huge hole right in the front!

"Ugh!" I pulled the flannel off my body with a frustrated groan and found myself back to square one yet again. But with the knowledge that I liked the flannel look, I quickly sprinted over to my closet and started frantically sifting through every article of clothing to see if I had a similar one.

One by one, every single top I owned was pushed away, and before I knew it I was at the end of the closet. I swear I had more flannels, but then it hit me that I gave all my old flannels to Farrah and Gianna. No wonder the only one I had left was ripped, I obviously couldn't have given them this one. See, this is what I get for being a nice older sister.

The loud sound of a meow scared me out of my frantic thinking, and I jumped around to see Missy waltzing her way over to me without even attempting to avoid stepping on all the discarded clothes that littered the floor at the moment. "Missy not now, I'm very stressed." I sighed, bringing my hand up to my temple as I realized I've resorted to ranting to my cat. "What the fuck do I do now?" She meowed again, and when I followed her movements across the room, she ended up stopping right next to a bunched up purple material and plopped herself on top of it.

With nothing left to lose, I took this as some sort of sign that Missy was giving me that maybe this top was the one. Once I unraveled the material, I realized it was a sheer button up with a diamond trim around the collar that I remember Laura gave to me since she didn't care for it anymore. Just like everything else, I knew this wasn't going to satisfy my liking and I instinctively turned my head down to give Missy a disappointed look. "Thanks for trying bub..." I slowly closed my lips together, thinking harder about this supposed sign that Missy was giving me. God, I sound absolutely crazy, but that's when another brilliant idea popped into my head.

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