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Joselyn Myers

I pulled up to the driveway of Frank and Hunter's house and put my car in park before getting out and taking careful steps to the front door to avoid the crack that I know is in the middle of the walkway leading up to the front door. I knocked a few times, a few moments later seeing Frank open the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Josie!" Was all he said before pulling me in for a hug I wasn't expecting. I giggled into his shirt and wrapped my arms around his body, returning his embrace.

"Hey big guy." I said back before pulling away. He kept his arm around my shoulders and led us both into the living room where I saw Laura sitting on Hunter's lap on the lounge chair in the corner of the room.

"Don't think you're getting off the hook for that big talk on the phone." He teasingly pointed a finger down at me since he was a few inches taller than me.

"Oh shush, you just can't accept that I'm way better at pool than you." I reached my hand to tickle against his stomach, causing him to flinch away from my grip. He simply rolled his eyes, making me laugh in response before looking back over to Laura and Hunter.

You could say these three people were like my second family, being that they're the only people I've come to know other than my boss and a few random coworkers. I moved to LA four years ago when I was 20 to pursue an internship for The Hollywood Reporter, which is where I met Laura. We were both doing the same internship and since we met, we've both moved up in the business at the same pace. Now we're the top two senior editors for them.

When I met Laura she was dating Hunter, and she introduced me to him and his brother Frank, and now we're one big happy friend group of our own.

"Hi Jos, good to see you." Hunter greeted me as Laura jumped off his lap and pulled me in for a hug. I waved a hand at him before being pulled into the room next to us by Laura.

"Come on! We've been waiting for you, let's play some pool!" She clapped her hands together in excitement.

"Laura, give her a second to breathe she just walked in." Frank chuckled at her eagerness. "You want anything to drink?" He turned his head to face me.

"A lemonade?" I responded hesitantly, not knowing if they actually had any.

"Coming right up." He pointed his finger at me before walking away to the kitchen. I turned back to look in the room where normally there was just a small coffee table in the center, but now was replaced by a brand new pool table.

"So you guys are finally putting together your game room?" I put the last part in air quotes as I looked to Hunter, making both of them laugh.

"Very funny, but yes. It's slowly but surely coming together, the pool table is just the start." He confidently replied, walking over to the new mount that was put on the wall so he could pull the sticks from it. He handed Laura and I each one and I picked up the square chalk piece so I could dust it on the end of my stick.

"I was hoping the first piece of it would be air hockey, but nooo." Laura sarcastically waved her arms around and Hunter gave her a quick sigh.

"Baby, I told you before that the air hockey table is next on the list." She simply rolled her eyes, pushing his chest away playfully.

They were pretty much the definition of that couple who basically already acted like an old married couple. I mean, they've been together for six's really not surprising. It did make me feel extra lonely sometimes though, considering my longest relationship lasted only about a year and that was three years ago.

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