forty three

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Joselyn Myers

I hadn't been to a concert in a while, and I always forget just how much fun it is until I'm standing in the crowd surrounded by thousands of people who are just as excited. And I couldn't wait to feel that way again, everyone else had already taken their spot out in the audience, Laura, Frank, and Hunter specifically, but I was still pacing around the backstage area of the beautiful O2 arena.

I thought I was going to part ways from Harry with them, but right before they started moving, Harry grabbed my arm and told me to wait behind for a little bit. As if I wasn't frantic enough with all the adrenaline that's been pumping through my veins ever since I returned from the airport after going with Peter to pick Laura, Frank, and Hunter up, now I'm being told that I have to wait for Harry to bring me something.

Shouldn't giving me a surprise be the last thing on his mind right now? I know he's been rehearsing all day, catching up with some of the other acts that he hadn't seen in a while, having his outfit fitted to perfection, how did he even manage to remember I even exist. That was a joke, but nonetheless, I honestly commend him for being able to keep up with everything he needs to be doing, I know I'd probably be going crazy if I were him.

The show hadn't even started, Harry's set being somewhere in the middle of the lineup, but I wanted to get to my seating area at least a little bit before it started. I'd prefer not getting lost somehow within the crowd, even though we were seated in a VIP section, but I know that if I had the distraction of someone being on stage behind me, it'd probably take me twice as long to find where I needed to be.

"Joselynnnn." I turned my head around at the sound of my name being called from behind me. In the crowd of all the stage crew and a few other acts, which has me freaking out on the inside even though I'm not showing it, I spotted Harry approaching me somewhat maniacally. Tip toeing dramatically, and swinging his arms back and forth as if he was running in slow motion, Harry was showing an evil smile on his face, and it only made me more confused. "Look who I brought." Once he was slightly closer to my earshot, he moved to the side a little to reveal Gemma...and his mother.

"Darling, I'd like you to meet my mum, Anne." Harry lightly grabbed the underside of my elbow to usher me towards the two women beside him, and I swear my heart was on the floor right now. I wasn't quite expecting to meet Harry's mom today, and I was very taken aback, but I didn't want that to actually show. To the best of my ability without panicking, I extended my hand out to greet her.

"Oh, hello there Anne...crap is it okay to call you that? I'm sorry, I should've asked first—" I cut myself off with a nervous chuckle, and by Anne taking my hand in hers to return my handshake, but bringing her other hand to rest on top of our joined ones.

"It's alright love, no need to be nervous around me." She flashed me a reassuring smile, keeping our hands firmly in her grip. "You can call me Anne, there's no need to be formal." She let out a small chuckle, now bringing one arm to sling around my waist for a small side hug. "I'm just so excited to finally be meeting you, I've heard so many lovely things from Harry. Even Gemma wouldn't shut up about your fun girls day out yesterday." A small weight was lifted off my shoulders from her being so genuinely kind to me, but I was still slightly weighed down from having this meeting being sprung on me out of nowhere.

"It's great to be meeting you too, I just wasn't expecting it right now...but still lovely." I nervously chuckled again, but at that, Anne whipped her head away from me to give Harry a stern look.

"Harry, you didn't tell the poor girl we were coming today?" Her scolding tone made Harry's eyes widen in fear, but all he did was bring his hands up in a guilty surrender.

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