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Harry Styles

I rolled my body over more from the previous laying position I had been in for the past hour, just watching TV. I saw that Twilight was on, and I couldn't help myself from turning it on because it made me think of Joselyn. I knew that the second one was coming on after this, but I promised her I wouldn't watch it without her.

With Joselyn on my mind, I instinctively reached my hand up to play around with the pearl necklace she gave me around my neck. It's become a habit of mine, whenever I think about her, my hands just automatically go to the necklace.

I had rehearsals all day for SNL and to say I was tired was an understatement, but I couldn't bring myself to go to sleep yet because after only a few text exchanges throughout the day with Joselyn, she finally texted me again a little bit ago. I was busy all day so I didn't have much time to check my phone, but whenever I could, I tried to text her. But I couldn't help but notice that she was a bit distant, and wasn't replying much even after I told her I was done with rehearsals.

This woman seems to literally have some sort of hold over me because it really seems like all I do is think about her, or want to be with her. I couldn't explain why, but she really is just special, and I'm becoming more addicted to her everyday. Between the complete and honest talks we've had and the paparazzi pictures, I just felt so fucking close to her.

I just couldn't wait for her to be here tomorrow. I couldn't even stop talking about her to my friends and a lot of people on the set today, and now they're very interested to meet the girl who's been occupying my mind all the time lately.

I brought my focus back to the text that I still didn't get a reply from after I responded, making me a bit anxious. She texted me about a half hour ago and just asked if I was still awake, to which I told her I was and asked why, and if everything was okay. But since her first text, she hasn't said a word.

My whole body jolted a bit when I heard a knock on the door to my hotel room, making me furrow my eyebrows together in confusion. I knew that Mitch and everyone else were definitely asleep by now, and they probably would've texted me first since it was past 2 am at this point.

I jumped again when whoever it was knocked again, but this time more aggressively. I quickly used the remote to turn off the TV before hopping up on my feet to stop whoever was out there from being so loud now.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I raised my voice so they could hear, before finally reaching the door and opening it with one swift movement. You could say I was more than shocked when I saw that it was Joselyn standing there with her suitcase.

"Hi Harry." She weakly smiled up at me as she raised her hand up to wave at me.

"Joselyn, what the hell are you doing here?" I didn't think twice before pulling her in for a tight hug, not even giving her a chance to respond. She instantly hugged me back, squeezing me even tighter than I was and I couldn't even describe how happy it made me that she was here...but why was she here now? "Come inside, come on." I unwrapped one arm from around her to grab the handle on her suitcase to drag into the room.

She kept her grip around my waist as I took small steps to move out of the way enough to close the door. "Not that I'm not thrilled that you're here right now, but why are you here, I thought you were coming tomorrow night?" I led us over to the bed in the center of the room, instantly pulling her to sit between my spread legs.

"I called the driver and asked him to pick me up tonight...I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and that it's so late." I noticed her frown before looking down at her lap and taking my hand in hers to play with the rings on my fingers.

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