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Harry Styles

Since the moment I woke up this morning with Joselyn's head resting on my chest, peacefully breathing in and out as she slept, I've been in a fantastic fucking mood. It wasn't a mystery why either.

Joselyn and I kissed.

Something about the moment after she gave me her necklace just gave me the urge to have my lips pressed against her, holding her tightly against me. It felt so personal that she was giving me her own necklace, and I just couldn't deny the connection I felt between us in that moment. Thankfully she kissed me back just as eagerly.

I don't know why, or how, but she's managed to captivate me so much in the short time we've known each other. I couldn't help myself, she's just so easy to get along with and whenever she spoke I just wanted to stare at her and watch her talk for hours. And having her reveal such a personal piece of information to me the other night, it just made me feel that much closer to her.

I wanted to keep that beautiful smile of hers on her face all the time. Ever since the car accident, I couldn't deny that I cared about her. I mean for fucks sake, I almost fucking killed her. With that in the back of my mind, the mere thought of anything bad happening to her made my whole body tense up. I guess you could say I feel a bit protective of her, but I care nonetheless.

I found myself wanting to be with her every second I could. I wanted to see her beautiful, gentle face, her perfect smile, her mesmerizing eyes. I couldn't get enough of her, and I just wanted to see her happy all the time.

I loved going out and getting all those gardening supplies just so she could have her own garden, I knew she would love it and I knew it'd make her smile. I didn't even hesitate doing anything to help her with the car accident, no matter how much she protested me not to, because I didn't want to see her struggle. Spending any amount of money on Joselyn is something I'd do with no question if I'm honest, I just liked seeing her smile.

So when I woke up this morning, watching her soft features slightly stir when I rested my hand against her shoulder to wake her up and she opened those big green eyes to meet my own, I knew I was fucked. I was in for it now, I'd do anything for those eyes. Kissing her perfectly pink lips made something inside me explode, like I'd never felt anything better. It was like there was a flame ignited in me and I never wanted it to burn out, it was almost addictive.

How the hell did I manage to feel so strongly about a girl so fucking fast?

Once we were both fully awake, making sure we were up early enough for her to go back to her apartment so she could get ready for work, I could tell we both were still thinking about the kiss. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as soon as she locked eyes with mine, moving her body closer to me to hide her face and it was the cutest sight to see.

She easily distracted herself though when she started hectically running around my house, using the bathroom and moving her hands over her hair to flatten it once she realized she'd have to rush to work. I couldn't help but snicker to myself as I watched her in a slight panic, but soon enough stopped her from rushing so I could point out the fact that I'd woken us up early enough so she could go back to her apartment before work. It didn't come without a whack in the arm for letting her panic for so long, but it was worth it.

We had driven separately to her apartment and I waited in my car as she got ready. It didn't take her long before walking out in a new outfit appropriate for her work, being a tied yellow blouse, a black pencil skirt, and a pair of yellow heels. I couldn't help as I stared at her gorgeous figure walking towards my car at first, getting hypnotized by her beauty, but collected myself when she got into the passenger seat of my car since I was driving her. I insisted, so I could have more time with her.

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