twenty nine

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Joselyn Myers

With my hands completely full, I managed to unlock the front door to Harry's house without dropping anything. As soon as it was locked behind me, I basically ran to the kitchen so I could put the vase of flowers, which was becoming very heavy, on the island. One by one, I dropped the items I had on the countertop, until I was finally empty handed so I could let out a sigh of relief.

While I rolled my shoulders back to stretch out the muscles, I pushed the new vase of flowers closer to the center so they were next to the vase of roses from the other night. Seeing the two bouquets sitting next to each other instantly made a smile spread across my cheeks. If I keep staying here, this house is gonna be filled with flowers by the looks of it.

When I finally felt more relaxed, I picked up both cups of coffee, mine being almost gone now, and made my way towards the living room. I immediately noticed that the TV was on some random movie, but the volume was turned down low. As I moved my gaze across the living room to see if Harry was around, I almost dropped the coffees when my eyes landed on the sight in front of me.

Harry was sprawled across the couch with the red blanket carelessly thrown over his long body, and his head was leaned up against one of the pillows that was usually organized in the corners of the couch. His mouth was slightly parted as his chest moved up and down, peacefully sleeping soundly through whatever movie was on. But what made me want to start bawling my eyes out from how cute it was, was seeing Missy curled up in a ball sleeping just as soundly on his chest. Harry even had his hand stuffed under her head so it was propped up like her very own pillow, probably because she put it there while he was awake, then guilt tripped him to keep it there by innocently fluttering her eyes shut. Trust me, I know the deal, I can never say no to that cute little face.

My heart grew ten times just looking at them, I don't think I had ever seen anything cuter. And I was certainly not going to waste such a great photo opportunity, so I placed our drinks on the coffee table in front of the couch, then grabbed my phone out of the pocket of my cardigan. I aimed the camera at the two peaceful figures, nearly melting when I pressed the button a few times. When I stepped a bit closer, I could hear Harry's quiet snores and at this point I think my lips were just stuck in a pout from gawking over how adorable this was.

I didn't want to disturb him since I can guarantee he doesn't get to take naps often, and as far as I know he doesn't have anything scheduled for today. So after taking a few pictures, I pressed a quick kiss to his forehead and Missy's head, then picked up my iced latte to take with me in the kitchen. I left his on the table next to him so whenever he did wake up he'd see it there and know that I was here.

Since I wasn't sure how long he'd be asleep, I figured I could look around the kitchen to find something to cook us for lunch. I'm sure he'd appreciate waking up to a nice meal, especially one made by me...with love.

Ew, Joselyn shut up.

I shook my head, chuckling quietly to myself before I started looking in the fridge and cabinets for something I could throw together. With what he had, I decided to pull out the necessary ingredients to make some cheese quesadillas with onions and red and green peppers.

After searching through the cabinets, I was able to quickly find the pans and a cutting board since I vaguely remembered where stuff was from looking for the glasses the other night. Thank goodness too, because if I didn't, then it'd be a lot harder to be as quiet as I was while moving stuff around so I didn't wake Harry up.

After about 20 minutes, I had two pans set up on the stove, one for the actual quesadillas and the other for sautéing the vegetables. I finished the first batch of veggies, so I placed a tortilla on the empty pan, along with some shredded cheese, then used a pair of tongs to put the veggies over it. I topped it off with another tortilla, then pulled my hands away for a second to admire my work. I was pretty impressed with myself I'm not going to lie.

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