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Joselyn Myers

I opened my eyes slowly, feeling an unfamiliarity with the surroundings I was in. I lifted my head off the soft pillows under me, looking around and realizing I was in the guest bedroom at Harry's house. I squinted my eyes in confusion, not recalling how I got here in the first place because I definitely didn't fall asleep in here. I wasn't even planning on sleeping here at all.

I pulled myself out of the bed, grabbing my phone off of the nightstand next to me seeing it was also plugged in. Well, I definitely didn't do that. I fluttered my eyes some more and walked over to the the full length mirror standing in the corner to see that my hair was a bit of a mess, but I focused more on Harry's clothes that still covered my body. I couldn't even stop the smile that instinctively formed on my lips.

I tried to distract my thoughts by running my hands through my hair to try and tame my bed head at least a little. Once I was feeling a bit more presentable and awake, I turned around and went to the door, opening it quietly in case I was the first one awake. I tiptoed down the hallway until I reached the top of the steps, slowly making my way down them.

Once I was at the bottom, I went into the living room since it was the only area I was familiar with other than his backyard. I didn't see Harry around anywhere, so I figured I would just wait for him in here until he woke up. I was about to take a seat on the couch, but I started to hear the faint sound of music coming from somewhere.

"Harry?" I mumbled to myself, letting my curiosity get the best of me. I followed where the sound was coming from, and I heard it get louder as I approached a door at the end of the hallway next to the kitchen. I pressed my ear gently against the closed door hearing the tune of a song I didn't recognize, but the person singing it sounded familiar. I pulled away and softly knocked on the door with my knuckles.

"Joselyn?" I heard Harry shout over the music from the other side.

"Yeah, it's me." I heard the volume of the music lower and a few seconds later the door opened, revealing Harry in the same outfit that he was wearing last night.

"You can come in, I'm just working on some stuff." He gestured me into the room and when I walked in I saw that this was some sort of music room, being that there was a setup of three monitors and a mixing board in the center with a recording mic setup in the corner where there was a few padded walls behind a glass frame. "Did you just wake up?" He asked after shutting the door.

"Yeah, I was gonna just wait in the living room for you, but then I heard the music so I just followed the sound." I chuckled lightly.

"Here, take a seat." He pointed to the rolling chair next to the one he was now sitting in. "Did you sleep well?" He asked as I sat down next to him, glancing over the screens in front of us.

"I really did, I don't remember falling asleep in there." I admitted, but his eyes lit up as if he knew something I didn't.

"Well you didn't, you fell asleep during the movie." He let out a giggle. "I noticed that was the case when I started talking to you about a funny part but you didn't respond. I carried you up to the guest room after that." I formed my mouth in the shape of an "o" and leaned back in my chair more.

"That makes a bit more sense. I didn't mean to fall asleep, sorry if I intruded or anything." I bit my lip slightly out of habit.

"It's totally fine Joselyn, they're called guest rooms for a reason." He patted my leg gently before swiveling his chair to face back to the screen in front of him. "You wanna hear what I was just listening to?" He raised a curious eyebrow, having an evil smirk across his face.

"Sure, I didn't really recognize it before though." I told him honestly, but he only smirked more.

"I'd hope so, it was from my new album." In an instant my eyes widened at his words.

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