fifty two

1K 18 15

Joselyn Myers

My head pounding was what I thought had initially woken me up, but after groggily stretching my legs and arms out, I realized it was in fact the grown man moving himself higher up in his position of his face resting on my stomach. Looking down the length of my body, I saw Harry with one arm looped under my waist and the other hooked around my thigh, and his cheek comfortably resting on my bare tummy with his mouth slightly parted and quiet snores escaping his lips.

What a way to wake up.

Now being even more awake, I looked around the room seeing remnants of the night prior scattered around our luxurious bedroom suite. Scattered bottles of liquor and crushed up empty cans filled the floor and bedside table, Harry's white shorts and my sparkly dress from last night carelessly discarded on the floor. Memories of the night came flooding back, a smile instantly creeping up onto my lips as I reminisced on every second of the night I could remember. It was certainly the most memorable New Year's Eve I'd ever had.

I was already excited to be in the Caribbean, and after Harry told me what our plans were for New Years Eve, I was filled with anticipation. Harry and I went to a party at one of the outdoor bars nearby and it was just so full of life. Everyone was hyped up and full of high energy to ring in the new year, and it didn't take much for Harry and I to fit right in. We honestly had spent most of the night on the dance floor, when we weren't getting another round of drinks for ourselves, that's where we were. At some point I think both of our shoes came off, and I know my reasoning was that my feet started to hurt from wearing heels all night, and Harry's reason was that he wanted to "twin with me."

I chuckled at the memory, and the movement of my stomach bouncing up and down slightly was enough to cause Harry to stir again, but this time his head completely flipped around and his sleep filled eyes blinked up to meet mine. My hand instinctively came around to comb through his messy hair, smiling down at the still half asleep grown man laying on top of me.

"Holy shit, my head hurts." Harry's voice was raspy and thick as he untucked his hand from underneath my torso to rub away at his eyes.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I spoke quietly, watching his lips twitch into a smile as he slowly lifted himself up onto his elbows.

"Oh, what a sight to wake up to—I'm coming up." Before I could even question him, he was already lazily crawling up higher on the bed so he was laying directly next to me. His arms instantly wrapped around my waist and pulled me as close as possible into his figure. "Hi baby." He cutely smiled up at me just before nuzzling his entire face into the crook of my neck, the feeling of my stomach moving up and down against his torso from laughing. "Mm, have you been up for long?" He groggily spoke against my skin, keeping his face planted on my chest.

"I just woke up, felt you moving around on my stomach." I flashed him a small grin, noticing his cheeks flush at my words while I continued to run my fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry baby, I know I move around a lot—" I cut him off by dropping my palm from the top of his head to cover his mouth and cut him off. I felt him smile against my palm, his eyes flicking upwards to look me from under my chin.

"Shut up, I wasn't complaining." I shook my head with a small chuckle, pulling my palm away from his mouth to pinch his cheek. "It was adorable, no doubt the best way I could ever wake up." At that, we both smiled at the same time, so much that I saw his perfect dimple carve into his cheek and my stomach filled with butterflies just looking at him.

"Well I loved having you be the first thing I saw too, can't even think of a better way." Through his thick morning voice and the adorable smile permanently etched on his face in just the few minutes he's been awake, my insides stirred with that tingly feeling.

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