
2.1K 43 21

Joselyn Myers

I nearly tripped over my own feet as I tried to rush myself to put my heels on, almost dropping my shoulder bag on the floor trying to get to the island in the kitchen where my keys were. Once I was balanced, I ran my hands over my hair to tame any fly aways that might've come loose and flattened my hands over my outfit, being a brown sweater and a matching plaid skirt.

"Let's pick up the pace now." I heard Frank's voice come up behind me, clapping his hands together to emphasize that we were definitely running late. He got here about an hour ago so he could take me to his and Hunter's house for the gathering we were having there tonight. What's a Friday night without some kind of plan made with us?

We were told by Hunter and Laura that we had to have a get together tonight, that was about all they said after telling Frank he couldn't come home after work because they had to set up for whatever they had planned. So he came here pretty much as soon as I got home from work since he got off two hours before and had been bored out of his mind. He said that for those two hours waiting for me to get off work felt like torture, because all he did was sit in a Starbucks and stare at the clock.

Frank was a high school English teacher, which has always shocked me because of how much he claims to not care for kids, but I feel like he secretly loves them. But maybe he doesn't mind teenagers as much because he chose to go for being a 10th grade teacher, a nice in between of kids and young adults I suppose.

"I'm going as fast as I can, don't rush me!" I sent him a stern glare as I put my bag over my shoulder, grabbing my keys in my other hand. But of course I couldn't perform a simple task without accidentally scraping my metal house key over the stitches in my hand. "Ow, fuck." I winced slightly, squeezing my fingers together.

"You okay?" Frank placed his hand on my shoulder once he heard my complaint.

"I'm fine, I just can't wait to get these stitches out tomorrow." I let out a huff of air before making my way towards the front door.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, are you going by yourself?" He turned to face me as I shut the front door behind me, then walking behind him to get to the elevators.

"No actually, Harry said he'd take me." I simply replied as we made our way through the lobby until we were in the parking lot, walking to where his 2010 black Jeep Wrangler was parked.

"Right, he gonna be there tonight?" He gave me a side eye as he kept his head forward.

"No, Laura told me to bring him but he said he had photo shoots all day." I trailed off, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. "But, I'm going to his house afterwards to stay the night." I looked up to meet Frank's eyes and he had a stupid smirk plastered across his face.

"Oh really, not that this is the first time of course." He teasingly nudged his shoulder into mine.

"Wow, Laura has a big mouth." I shook my head slowly as we reached his Jeep, both of us getting in. I had only kept Laura up to date with all the specifics of what's been happening between Harry and I in the past two weeks, but of course since she spends most of her free time over at Hunter and Frank's house, I guess the news travels. Not that I care, because I probably would've ended up telling them eventually anyway. From what I told Frank, he only knew that we had hung out a few times even after getting my new car.

"She does, but I can't say I'm surprised. As soon as you told me that you'd been hanging out with him outside of getting the car situation fixed, I knew something would happen between you two." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down as he turned around to back up out of the parking spot.

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