thirty nine

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Harry Styles

"Could you measure out a cup of milk please?" A smile played on my lips as I lifted my head up to look over at Joselyn whisking together the dry ingredients for the pancakes we were making, while using her free hand to point over to the carton of milk sitting next to her. It was something about watching her frantically instructing me to do a few simple tasks here and there while she did all the main ones that made my heart grow and my stomach do flips, she just looked so radiant even doing such simple things.

"You got it boss." I replied back with a cheeky smirk, seeing her lift her head in my direction to roll her eyes at my words. Of course she then decided to touch the tips of her fingers into the open bag of flour next to her and throw a cloud of powder at me. "Watch yourself, I'm the revenge type of fella." I flung my arm in front of me to deflect her attack while she simply giggled quietly under her breath.

"I'll be sure to keep an eye on you then." She shot me a playful wink before wiping her hand on the dish towel sitting on the counter and directing her attention back to whisking the ingredients. God, I should not have found that sexy. Shaking my head to rid of my last thought, I finally did as she asked and poured out a cup of milk into the measuring cup that was already brought out.

What I was most grateful for right now was that Joselyn seemed to be in a fairly good mood, I'd even say a really good mood. It was such a sight for sore eyes knowing all the rough shit she's been going through the last few days. Even though she didn't let the event of her mother showing up continue to bother her too much after she talked to her dad, me, and Frank about it, it was obvious it still affected her. Like I told her, nobody expects her to be okay, and I was glad that she's been letting herself be upset about rather than bottling up all of her feelings.

Last night after Frank left to go home and Joselyn and I were cuddled up in her bed together later in the evening, she told me how much she appreciated everything that I've been doing for her in the last few days to keep her sane. I wanted to tell her that it was nothing and it was just me keeping my promise to her to be there for her whenever she needed, but she shut me up before I could even get the words out by putting her hand over my mouth so I literally couldn't speak. It was adorable, but I still ended up saying it anyway, and I got to see her cute little pout in response.

I know that asking Frank to live with her for a while really helped her get her mind off of it, which is why I really gave her that push to just ask him when she came to me with the idea. When she said she'd been feeling lonely sometimes when she's at her apartment my heart absolutely broke. Of course I take any chance I can get be around her, but I know with my busy schedule, especially in the upcoming month with my album coming out, I know it'll only do her well to have Frank move in with her. Surrounding herself with the friends she has is exactly what she needs right now.

The best part about it is that I won't make myself go crazy if I'm not able to be there for her when she needs me, she'll have Frank. But honestly, with how fucking strong my feelings are for her, I wouldn't put it past myself to drop everything for her. I'm not afraid to admit it, Joselyn Myers has got her hooks in me so deep.

"One cup of milk, for the lovely lady." I faked a posh accent as I gestured the measuring cup in front of her, and she turned her head up at me with a cheesy smile.

"Thank you, now pour it in slowly while I mix it." I followed her instructions, standing beside her while pouring the milk into her dry ingredients while she quickly whisked it all together. I couldn't help but kiss the top of her head as she did so, simply because I loved hearing the little humming noise she'd make whenever I made cute gestures like that.

"Alright then, do you need anything else for now?" I asked from the side once all the milk was distributed, walking over to the sink to put the dirty cup in.

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