fifty five

698 20 23

Joselyn Myers

1 week later

The annoying sound of my alarm woke me up, 8 am sharp, but knowing I get to go to work at the flower shop has made getting up early that much more bearable. Although working at HR was exhilarating to me in a different way, I've learned that this has honestly always been what I was meant to be doing.

I was especially excited to go in today because yesterday before I left, Patricia said she'd be giving me an extra special project to work on. I was eager as anything to know what it was, especially since I had such a blast working on the big wedding order last week. She was so pleased with my work and everything I put together, and I feel like it really gave me an extra boost in her eyes as to what kind of potential I had—not that she didn't already think I was talented enough, I just think she was proud of me for doing such a good job on my first official big order. Not to mention the great feedback from the wedding party, they said it was a beautiful ceremony and it was all thanks to my flower arrangements. I cant even describe how happy hearing that made me feel.

Finally rolling out of bed, I maneuvered myself around the two sleeping cats that were laying against either side of me, only making Missy put her paw over her face in her half asleep state. I chuckled to myself at the sight, Sunny also stretching out his legs before freezing again and falling back asleep. Waking up with them beside me was just an amazing start to my day, it always is.

I made my way out of my bedroom to head into the kitchen, rubbing my hands over my sleep filled eyes so I could make something quick to eat before I head out. Usually on Friday's I would treat myself to getting a muffin or breakfast sandwich when I made my usual stop into the coffee shop next to my work, but it still never stops me from looking through the fridge—even though it usually ends up with me just opening it and glancing around for five seconds then closing it right back up.

To my pleasant surprise, as soon as I entered the kitchen, my eyes were drawn to a bright pink post-it note stuck to the counter with some scribbled writing on it.

I made you an egg and cheese sandwich, it's in the fridge and you can heat it up.
Happy Friday! See you later roomie!

My lips immediately pulled up into a smile, the fact that Frank was kind enough to make me something for breakfast was just so heartwarming. It was the little things like that that make my heart feel so full, and clearly Frank was well aware of that.

I happily went over to the fridge and saw the sandwich sitting on a plate on the first shelf with a piece of plastic wrap over it. I wasted no time in peeling off its cover and putting it in the microwave. I may have to rush myself a little with actually getting ready so I could properly enjoy it, but it was worth it.

My mind wandered as I waited for it to heat up, and eventually when I sat down at the island counter to eat. The last few days we've all been talking about how we wanted to get together tonight to do something, since it honestly does feel like forever since we had a good old Friday night out. Especially now since we can include Hailey and Blair, and of course Harry. Frank and Blair have been spending a lot more time together obviously, especially after their night together last week—which I was happily informed went very well.

None of us have made any actual plans, but I assume that at some point today one of us will text in our groupchat about it. I was honestly even thinking about inviting Madison to join us, our short conversations in the morning when I get my coffee really make want to get to know her more. It feels like even now it's more than just a simple, "you work at the place next door to me and serve me coffee every morning," simply because we can end up chatting about just about anything. By the time my order is ready, we literally have to cut ourselves off mid conversation because we have to get back to our jobs.

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